Chapter 23 | Last Clue

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After skimming the texts, Nancy's mind began to make connections. Rich was one of Terry's original blackmail victims. It was easy to see where the original blackmail texts stopped and then picked up again, after Terry's death was reported. Two possibilities lay before her. Either Terry was still alive and covering up her own murder using Rich or —something much more horrifying to fathom—Terry's killer had been using her phone to threaten Rich and get away with the crime.

Despite finding more evidence than she needed, Nancy felt as alone as on the first day of school. She didn't know who to trust, including Abby.

Her mind ran in circles as she scrolled to the very bottom of the texts. She had to act fast but had trouble focusing on what was in front of her. Did the killer know that she had the phone? It was possible. Rich knew that the phone was missing and the hospital staff would probably alert the school authorities soon enough.

Nancy got up, ever so slowly from the desk.

"I don't understand," said Abby. "What is it? What else does it say?"

"I have to get this to the authorities. I don't have much time, because Rich knows the phone is missing. He could be in danger. We could be in danger. We need to act before the killer knows we have this."

"Okay, go on, get out of here then. I'll help you." Abby started to pick up the folders and books that were scattered on the floor. "I'll put everything back. We can't make it look like there was a break in."

Nancy nodded and rushed out of the room but hesitated by the door, noticing the door knob. "The lock on this can't lock the room from inside."

"I'll take care of it," called Abby from within the room. There was urgency in her voice. Noting Nancy's confusion, she added: "You're not the only one who knows how to pick a lock."

Suddenly, Rich's phone pinged. It was too late. "They know I have it," said Nancy after reading the incoming text from Rich's phone which was addressed to her.

Abby continued to put stuff away, making sure to close drawers and smooth out the creases on the bed. "So what do we do?"

Nancy's heart sank. "They want me to delete all of the texts and send back a screenshot of the empty conversation as proof." She looked up at Abby.

"You have to get a copy of those texts first."

Nancy bit her lip. "They said I need to do it now or there will be consequences."

"What are you going to do?"

Nancy paced around the room. "I don't know. It's the only concrete evidence I have."

"Then, you can't delete it."

Nancy had to think fast.

"They could be bluffing," suggested Abby. "What can they do?"

"Whoever has Terry's phone, killed Terry. I won't test them."

They stood still, for what felt like eternity, waiting for some bomb to go off, but nothing seemed to change.

"I need to get the evidence off of this phone," said Nancy, finally.

"I'll come with you."

"No. It's better if I go alone. Keep watch on this room and text me if anything happens."


The phone felt like a hot coal in her pocket. Nearly half of the school could be looking for it by this point, not to mention Terry's killer. She needed to get the evidence off of it, fast. Luckily, Nancy found Connie alone in her dorm. After hastily explaining the killer's demands, Nancy asked Connie if she could wipe the phone of data, so that they wouldn't lose evidence crucial to the investigation.

Before Connie could get to work, the phone buzzed once more.

Time was up.

"What does it say?" Connie asked.

Nancy read over the text but didn't respond. She expected something like this to happen but was unprepared for the grandness of the culprit's final act. She couldn't stop the mass humiliation on her own. But who could she trust? Ned was too far away to physically help and Bess and George wouldn't be enough. Could she tell Abby what she'd just seen? Or Nick? Or Connie?

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