Chapter 13| Sweet Escape

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Nancy took a step back from the keypad and rummaged her pockets and bag for anything that might help her prop open the elevator doors. This wasn't her first rodeo in terms of being trapped! Moments later, she extracted a heavy duty binder and wedged it between the doors. Pushing hard, she managed to get them to open about halfway and reveal a mechanical lock, which she turned. Once the second set of doors opened, a wave of disappointment shot through Nancy as she was faced with a cold concrete wall. She was stuck between two floors! Any chance she might have had of climbing through some sort of opening was lost.

Taking a step back, Nancy ran one hand through her hair. Maybe this was a sign that she was being too hasty with the decision to out the culprit. Was she sure that it was who she thought it was?

Getting too lost in her thoughts, Nancy took out her cell phone with the glimmer of hope that she might have reception.

One bar.

A smile spread across her face as she realized that her answer was just a phone call away. The most honest person she knew. The person who would never judge her on a case. The person whom she could trust no matter what.

She dialled the number and heard a click on the first ring:

"...Nancy? Is that really you?"

"It's me, Ned, you don't know how glad I am to be hearing your voice right now!"

Ned paused for a few seconds. "Really? I mean don't get me wrong, it's great to finally hear from you but...well it's been a while."

"A while? Yes—after your package almost killed me I had to stay at the hospital for a couple of hours."

"Hospital? Oh my god, Nancy, why didn't anyone tell me? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Nancy looked around. "Well, as fine as someone stuck in an elevator can be. Can you talk?"

"You're what?"

"It's a long story. And wait a minute—you didn't know I was in the hospital? What about the letters?"

"No Nance, this is the first time I'm hearing about it! Why didn't Bess or George tell me?"

"I'm not sure they knew. They never visited me and to be honest, I haven't really seen them around that much." Nancy paused for a moment and when Ned didn't respond she continued, "I suspect that I don't have to brief you on the case? There's not a lot of time left but I'm afraid I might be jumping to conclusions too soon."

"What case, Nancy? This is all news to me!"

It finally clicked. "Oh Ned, I've been a total fool." She closed her eyes in defeat. "You haven't been writing those letters have you?"

Sensing Nancy's desperation, Ned answered calmly, "I did write you a few letters Nancy, but none that would ever harm you. I just figured they haven't been delivered or something."

"And they were handwritten?"


"The letters, Ned, were they handwritten or typed?"

"I wrote them by hand just because, you know, I figured that'd be more romantic. I'm a little lost here Nancy; have you been writing back to someone else?"

"No, but I've been receiving typed letters that were supposedly from you and they've gotten me in more trouble than I'm willing to tell you right now." She slid down the side of the elevator and sat down, getting comfortable in order to explain everything that's happen up to this point to Ned.

After their brief chat, Ned warned Nancy to be careful and to stay away from using her cell phone or email to send any sensitive information. He also promised to ask George to look into whether Nancy's technology has been hacked and asked Nancy to keep in contact with him via phone calls.

After what felt like hours of enlightening conversation, Nancy was rescued by two firefighters and the building manager who pried open the doors and used the building key to unlock the second set of doors. Free from the elevator at last, Nancy was ready to confront the person who's been writing fake letters from Ned. Or so she thought.

It was now midday and convinced that the culprit and fake letter author were two different people, she marched down the hallway, back to her room.

To her dismay, her new roommate was now in there.

"Hey, Abby, right?" Nancy greeted her unsightly guest.

Without looking up from the laptop which she sat across from, Abby mumbled, "We don't have to talk. We just have to live together."

"Let me borrow your phone."

"What? I don't mind repeating that we don't have to talk..."

"—It's an emergency, Abby, I don't have time to argue!" Nancy grabbed Abby's phone from the desk where it was charging and quickly dialled a phone number.

Abby rolled her eyes. "I'm honestly too tired to even deal with your weirdness right now."

Ignoring her, Nancy waited until the person on the other line picked up and said, "Hey! It's Nancy, I'm in BIG trouble. My phone's been taken along with a few of my things from my room. I'm freaking out and I need you to get here as soon as possible! I suspect it was my new roommate." She held up her hand when Abby looked like she was ready to protest the last comment and then hung up the phone.

Moment's later, the door of Nancy and Abby's room burst open to reveal a red faced, out of breath Connie Wright. "Nancy?" she asked in between taking deep breaths. "What's going on?" Then more quietly, she added,  "Is this the roommate that stole your stuff?"

"No," Nancy replied. "But you're the one who's been writing fake letters to me!"

Connie returned a blank stare. "I—I don't know what you're talking about. What letters? What is this?" She looked at Abby who was still typing away on her laptop.

"You've been taking Ned's real letters from our building's mailroom and replacing them with your own!" Nancy said sternly. "I found the original ones in your room," she lied.

Connie began to break down. "I was stupid to think I could hide anything from you! But believe me, I've never had any intention to hurt you. It's just, well, is it so hard to believe that I just wanted to be your friend?" Tears were forming in her eyes.

"You wanted to be my friend? By stealing my boyfriend's letters? I'm a little lost here," Nancy said gently.

"I mean, here you are, the famous girl detective, right here at Gilmont U with your best friends Bess and George. What chance did some random girl like me have, of running in the same circles as the famous Nancy Drew? That's why I did it. I'm sorry and I'm sorry it got so out of hand but that's why I had my friend block all of your contacts on that first day and when Ned started with the letters, I just...couldn't help myself. Especially getting lucky with a case. I mean, a real life case to work on with Nancy Drew? How could I help myself?" Connie was reduced to heavy tears now.

Abby was now looking up from her laptop in a mix of amusement and shock. 

Nancy remained calm. So this is why none of her friends were texting her for the last couple of days. She didn't feel so alone anymore and felt slightly bad for causing a scene in front of Abby. However, she was hoping that Connie would share some sort of connection with the culprit but she was convinced now that that wasn't the case.
"Connie, it's alright. I just need you to be very honest here. When you took the letters, did you also replace them?  And if you lie to me here, there is not a chance in the world that I would ever accept your apology!" She waited for Connie to stop sobbing.

"I didn't replace them. Oh Nancy, I'm so sorry. I really screwed this up haven't I?"

Nancy sighed. "It's alright, Connie. I just need some time to think and to be alone. And I'll need those letters back."

"Okay," Connie mumbled. "They're still in my room." She walked towards the door with her shoulders slumped.

Nancy put Abby's phone back on the desk to charge and opened the police file that Nick has given her previously. She still had a culprit to catch. As she flipped the first page, Nancy heard frantic jiggling of the doorknob. Turning around, she saw Connie struggling to open the door to leave the room.

"It's locked," Connie said when Nancy walked up to the door to try it for herself.

Nancy pressed her ear against the door and heard the sound of slow footsteps disappearing down the dorm hall...

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