Chapter 1| Goodbye River Heights

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Dear Ned,

I know we've already said our goodbyes the other day, but I couldn't help but write to you one last time before I left. It's almost dawn and dad still hasn't quite woken up yet for my flight, although I suspect Hannah's bacon and egg scents from the kitchen will be quite helpful! I cannot believe it's already time for me to leave, and this time without a mystery in sight...I hope college is everything I ever dreamed of and even if it is a little dull, it's certainly a small price to pay for my becoming a real police detective, or lawyer or head of the criminology department somewhere! It's too early to tell, but whatever I choose I just know I'll be happy. Besides, imagine Chief McGinis' surprise if I show up to the station someday, dawning my very own badge!

With Bess at her design and tech internship in the city and George coming with me on a soccer scholarship, I can't see how the next year can possibly be boring.

Love always,


P.S. Thanks for backing me up on my decision to decline the offer from ATAC. The timing just isn't right.

"Nancy! We'd better leave now," shouted her dad from downstairs.

Nancy Drew, an attractive girl of 18, hastily read over her message and pressed send. The little swoosh sound promoted her to gently close her laptop and scoop it up against her cardigan:


The ride out of River Heights was bittersweet. She was excited to finally take the next big step in her life and career, but passing some beloved hometown sights made her queazy. River Heights High was where she met Ned, the library was where she'd once cornered a villain, even Deirdre's house seemed somehow solemn.

At the airport, she exchanged a quick and teary hug with her father and then was on her way. As much as she had wanted to catch up on some new sleuthing techniques from her new edition of Clue magazine, Nancy had knocked out once her city became blurred by the clouds outside her plane window.

* * *

Nancy arrived at Gilmont University at half past ten, by which time the sun was high in the sky and the streets were bustling with incoming freshmen and cars. She missed her blue convertible already. This was definitely not River Heights.

Gilmont was quite a large campus with beautiful old buildings everywhere she looked. However Nancy had no trouble locating the Residency Office which lay at the bottom of one of the taller brick buildings directly across from a gorgeous, green courtyard.

A bell greeted Nancy and her suitcase as she stepped onto the hardwood of the Residency office and got in line behind another blonde girl, about her age. Nancy looked around the office and noted all of the different plaques and photographs. She noticed a newspaper rack against one of the walls. The first page caption read in big bold letters: "Terry Kodric Missing."

"New student?" asked the smiling middle-aged receptionist. Her name tag read Sarah.

Nancy nodded. "Hi! I'm Nancy Drew."

"Just pass me your registration card and confirmation e-mail and we can get started."

"Here you go." Nancy handed her the necessary registration papers and waited while Sarah typed something up in the computer.

Suddenly she felt a soft tap on her shoulder.

Turning around, she realized it was the blonde girl who was in front of her just a moment ago. She was wearing a green tweed skirt and matching jacket and had short light hair just like Nancy.

"Hi, sorry to bother you but I couldn't help're Nancy Drew?" asked the girl.

"Why yes, and your name is?"

"Oh, I'm Connie Bree Wright. Or just Connie Bree-I mean just Connie." She extended a nervous hand and continued when Nancy shook it, "I've read about you on the news I think."

Nancy smiled. "You have?" She had been used to getting little run ins like this since completing some of her more high profile cases, and even though the attention was infrequent it was always appreciated.

Connie shifted her weight to the other foot. "I think it was something about a robbery?"

"That's right, it was one of my most recent cases." Nancy could feel the receptionist's eyes glaring into her back, but Connie seemed to be too preoccupied to get the hint.

"So, I mean you're like some sort of detective right?"

"I guess you could say that." Nancy heard the receptionist clear her throat. A line was beginning to form behind her. "Excuse me, I'm just going to have to get my keys and everything, but it was nice meeting you Connie!"

"Oh it's no problem, I'll just wait here!" With that, she took a step back to lean on the other end of the reception desk.

Nancy turned back around. "I'm sorry about that."

"No problem, here is your passkey to the building, it's 8C, and your keys to your room as well" said the receptionist impatiently. "And don't forget your map, your campus advisor's phone number and your official Gilmont badge. Welcome to GilU!"

Before Nancy could reach for the keys or say thank you, Connie was right back at her side, piling all the papers into Nancy's hands. She gave her a stern look, "I know what you're here for Nancy, and I'm here to help."

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