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Y/n's POV

The engagement party was to be held soon. Haz and I had decided that we would have a grand dinner at the party and keep our wedding ceremony short instead. We both hated having all that attention. Jean Perre, a famous decorator from France was hired to glam up the Osterfield mansion from top to bottom. I thought he was a bit excessive but the final result was absolutely amazing. Out of all of us, Kara was the most ecstatic. Her prayers had been answered...Harrison was marrying a girl. To say she was over the moon would have been an understatement.

Harrison's family had warmly accepted my family with open arms. Dinner was going well, everyone seemed to be having a good time. Jean Perre had really outdone himself. There were wonderful performances from famous singers and dancers. I was astounded by everything around me. Throughout the whole of dinner, my hand was intertwined with Harrison's as he rubbed soothing circles on my knuckles. He knew I was feeling a bit anxious in the beginning so he sorta kept me sane. He stopped me from overthinking and just calmed me. That's why I'm so glad to be marrying my best friend. Nothing has changed between us, except the fact we now kiss each other...amongst other things. I know he'll always be there for me...he's always been there.

When dinner was slowly coming to a close; with everyone finished with their meals, Harrison's father stood from his seat. "I just wanted to thank everyone for coming. But today, we are not only here to celebrate my wedding anniversary but also my son's engagement to his beautiful bride-to-be." He smiled at me. "Y/n, my wife and I can see how happy you make Harrison. We haven't seen him this happy in so long. I wanted to thank you for accepting us as your family. We're so proud to be able to call you our daughter. Let's make a toast to Harrison and Y/n!" He raised his glass.

I smiled at them while holding my glass up, as a small tear slipped from my cheek. Harrison gently reached over and wiped it away, laying a gentle kiss in its place. Harrison then stood up. "Wow, Dad...I just wanna say it's amazing to be here with all of you. Thank you all for being here to support Y/n and I. I have a whole list of people I need to thank but I won't do it here on your time. There's a special someone I want to thank. Sorry Mum and Dad, it's not you...Not even you, Y/n." Haz smiled cheekily at me. "I wanted thank the person who I now have the pleasure to call my best mate, Tom Holland. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here standing next to the love of my life...So thank you, Tom." Haz and I both smiled at him. "One more thing...Y/n and I have both discussed this...I was wondering if...If you'd like to be my best man?" Haz looked at him expectantly, his eyes full of hope.

Tom grinned at him, "Of course I would love to. Haz, even though I'm your best man...We all know the real best man will be at the end of the aisle, marrying Y/n." Tom smiled as everyone clapped. Tom then turned to me "Dorky! Don't think I forgot about you. I can see that beautiful smile on your face. I'm so happy for you guys...Y/n, all I ever want is for you to be happy." He spoke the last part softly, as I noticed him getting teary eyed. "...Anyways" He cleared his throat "Happy 20th Anniversary, Mr and Mrs Osterfield...even though that does make much sense. How old are you again, Haz?" Tom chuckled. "The party looks amazing but I say it's time we all hit the dance floor. I'm not really digging the music, though. Luckily, I brought back up." Tom glanced at Sweetie, who looked at him confused. "Yo Frankie!" There stood Frankie dashingly dressed and ready to play us some good music. Sweetie gasped, a huge smile making its way onto her face as Frankie blew her a kiss. "Let's rock the floor, mate."


Tom's POV

The crowd of guest proceeded onto the dance floor with Y/n and Haz leading the way, hand in hand. I grabbed Mum's hand and we began to dance. The music was upbeat so we were all pretty much jumping around like idiots. Mum soon got tired and decided to go and get herself a drink. She claims she's getting too old for this. That's when the mood shifted, a slow song beginning to play. All the couples made their way to the dance floor. My uncle and Granny Lisa, Mr and Mrs Osterfield, Harley and some girl whose name was MJ...I think. I looked back to see my Mum and Scarlett indulging themselves in a deep conversation. I didn't want to be rude and interrupt, that's not how Mum raised me.

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