Chapter 1

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New York....One of the biggest cities and business capitals in the world. Every breath, every heartbeat here is filled with speed. People are always hurrying here. In a rush for every single thing...In a rush to leave home, to get to work. They're all rushing to get a step or two ahead in life. There is no room here for those who can't cope here. You'll be eaten alive.

Miles away from here is London...where my father was from. He moved over here and married my American mother, much to my grandmother's dismay. This city taught me independence. It taught me to fulfil my responsibilities, taught me to face life. One thing it couldn't teach me was how to love. I mean, where was the time?

Whenever I gazed at the beautiful New York skyline, I felt closer to Papa. Whenever I missed him, I came here. This was our spot...far from the bustling city. We used to just sit on benches here in Central Park and watch the sunrise. I always found this place oddly peaceful. Whenever I needed to calm my mind, this was where you could find me. Being here was my escape, it helped me get away from all the overbearing pressures of life.

I was brought out of my raging thoughts only when I felt a lone tear stream down my face. I immediately wiped it away, I have to be strong. It's what Papa would have wanted. I am Y/n Katherine Smyth and this is my story.


"I know, Mr Rogers but please understand my situation. I really need the loan extension. I know the restaurant is centrally situated but there's competition around, Mr Rogers." I heard Mum's pleading voice from the kitchen. I quietly crept up towards the kitchen so I could eavesdrop better. My mother was leaning on the kitchen counter, her back facing me.

After Papa passed away, my mother, Scarlett had to take on the responsibility of providing for the entire family. She never allowed any of us to ever help her with this burden but we could all see the toll it was taking on matter how much she tried to mask her sorrows.

"Thank you....I" She was cut off by the line going dead.

I took this as my cue to make my presence known. "I'm home."

"Where were you?" Mum asked.

"Central Park."

"Central Park? Why?"

"To meet my boyfriend" I replied, sarcasm dripping in my voice. "Bills...bills...bills" I say flicking through our mail. "Wait....ooh Private & confidential" My eyes widened excitedly.

"That's mine" Mom said, pulling the letter out of my grasp.

"Mom, they sent us Sweetie's mail again" I rolled my eyes, annoyed. "When will the mailman understand that we are Smyth with a 'Y' and they are Smith with an 'I'. He always...." I was cut off when I finally got a proper look at Mum's face. "Were you crying?"

"Nope...You were crying." Mum replied childishly, putting on a smile but i saw right through it.

"Don't be silly, Mum" My mother and I...we lied to each other... every day.

"What's this?" I asked looking at a letter from ''

"Why don't you ask your grandmother" Mum replied bitterly. "It's some new plan to help find you a husband."

"Mum! I don't want to get married." I groaned. "Ugh! Why can't Gran just leave me alone? Where is she?" I huffed.

"It's going to be eight. Where do you think she is?" Mum replied coolly.

I trudged up the stairs, my blood boiling. I love my Gran...I really do but sometimes she just drives me up the wall. I wish she would just go back to London and live with my aunt. I really don't mind the long distance relationship. My grandmother Lisa, she has three dreams. One, that New York becomes a part of the UK. Two, I marry a nice boy...quickly and three.....that my mother dies

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