Chapter 2

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I decided it was time to go check out the new neighbourhood and introduce myself to our new neighbours...Just get the feel of things. I doubt we'll be here long anyways. The summer had just begun thus everyone was outside enjoying the shining sun that was smiling down on us all. The street was filled with laughter. Kids were playing hopscotch, tag and jumping rope. Some were holding water guns, happily squirting water at each other.

A group of boys were busy playing basketball but what caught my attention were the shouts of a young boy. "Come on, he's open. He's open....Guys, what are you doing?" groaned a young boy who couldn't be more than 12 as he watched the teenage boys play. He and a little girl, who must have been his sister were perched on the foyer of their house, watching intently. The girl seemed to grow bored and turned her attention back her doll. She paid her brother no mind as she continued to brush her doll's hair.

"Why don't you come and teach us, you little shit." One of the boys taunted him which was followed with a chorus of laughter and snickers from the rest of the boys.

"I would if I could" replied the boy sadly as he looked down at his leg and crutches. My heart ached for him so I decided to go and talk to them...maybe help cheer him up a little.

"Hello Boy, hello girl and hello to you as well, doll." I greeted as I took a seat next to them.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" The boy snapped at me.

"I'm sorry. I haven't introduced myself. I'm Tom....Hello" I held my hand out for the boy to shake. The boy seemed sceptical, giving me a blank stare in return.

"Mummy says were not allowed to talk to....str....str...stranglers." The little girl meekly spoke.

"Not stranglers, silly...strangers" corrected her brother.

"But I'm not a stranger. I live in the house across the street."

"That's a lie. Stupid Mr Frost lives over there." Said the boy.

"I know....He's my uncle." I gave him a small frown.

"Oh no! You made a boo boo." giggled his sister.

"Yes, he made a boo boo. It's okay. I know my uncle can be a little stupid sometimes." I gave her a smile. "Plus....I also heard he has something going on with a silly old hag over here.

"That's our Gran!" exclaimed the boy.

"Oops! made a boo boo" The girl giggled again.

"I'm sorry....By the way, what's your Gran's name?"

"Gran!" They both answered, shrugging their shoulders as if that was the obvious answer

"What a nice name!" I replied.

Our conversation was cut short by a god awful noise. It sounded like wailing. The kids immediately covered their ears while I followed suit. "Oh my! What's that? I didn't know there were beggars in New York."

"That's our Gran!" The boy shouted over the noise, pointing towards the open window upstairs.

"Oh...I'm so sorry for you....Let my try and do something about this."

"Best of luck." The boy gave me a thumbs up.

"Granny!....Hey Granny" I saw them approach the open window. "Jennifer Lopez!....Spice Girls!...Down here!" I whistled, finally getting their attention.

"What's your problem? We were trying to worship the Lord!" Granny shouted, clearly annoyed.

"You're not worshipping God....You were torturing him! God couldn't come here himself so on his behalf I beg you....Please don't sing!" I held my hands up in a pleading manner.

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