Chapter 7

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Tom's POV

Everything was going as planned. Haz and Y/n were getting closer. I could see it...They were falling in love. I really was happy for them but deep down I couldn't help but feel a small spike of jealous that was creeping its way into my already weak heart. I longed to be in Harrison's shoes. I wanted to be the one who danced with her. The one who could hold her hand....Walk her to class...Sit next to her...Make her smile everyday... Take her on dates and cuddle with her. I wanted her to pour her heart out to me...To tell me all about her day or the book that she read. I would listen to her for hours without complaint. I just wanted to spend my life with her...but I know I couldn't do that. Life doesn't always give you what you want.

In my short 24 years on this earth, I've learnt that your life will be ever changing. Every moment could change in seconds. One moment it's bright and shining sunlight and the next stormy skies. Every action has its own reaction. A small difference and you might change the outcome. With whatever time you have left, make it yours and live life to its fullest. It's rare to come across someone who you will love with all your heart and who loves you just as much. If you were ever so lucky to come across such a love, they're definitely the one. So take their hand and hold on...hold on for dear life. Take it from a dead man walking, what's life without a little risks, eh? Who knows...Tomorrow might never come.

Speaking of dying, Mum and I went for my check up with Zendaya. She got word that they have found a possible match from a donor heart but I have to undergo tests to see whether I'm healthy enough to get a transplant in the first place. I still had a small glimmer of hope left. Z first did an ultrasound of my heart. I was a bit anxious while all the tests were conducted. I was so lucky to have my lovely Mum with me through it all. Mum held my hand in reassurance while Z looked over the ultrasound. No words were spoken between us the whole time. None of us had the courage to speak, so afraid we might jinx it. The final test was an exercise stress test where they hooked me up to a machine that would monitor my heart rate while I ran on a treadmill. Once all the test were completed; the worst one being a blood test since I was squeamish around blood and needles, we both patiently waited for Z to come back with the results. When she entered the room, Mum and I looked up at her expectantly. She just shook her head, looking down solemnly as tears filled her eyes...And just like that, the small glimmer of hope was snuffed out. Mum squeezed her eyes shut, letting out a shaky breath. I blinked back my tears as I tried my hardest to muster up a smile, trying to stop my bottom lip from quivering.


Harrison's POV

I opened up the gift Y/n gave me this afternoon...It was wrapped in Spiderman wrapping paper. I knew she loved Spiderman. When our friendship first began, we would spend hours debating on who was cooler...still not sure who won that argument though. I tore off the wrapping paper to find the red tie I had returned. With the tie was a small note that read,

'Red tie and a blue suit will definitely make you look like a new you...Turn to page two.' I flipped the page over. 'I couldn't find another rhyme...hehe...sorry. Not the best writer either. Love Y/n.'

I chuckled at this. Y/n is just so cute. Tom...I have to speak to Tom.


Here I was back at my place with Tom. We both were seated at the kitchen counter having a coffee. I looked at him with excitement. "I love you." Tom choked on his coffee. "I love you, man. Thank you so much for everything."

"No problem, Haz." He chuckled awkwardly.

"Notice anything different."

"Different?" He rose an eyebrow.

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