9 - Storm

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Haruna’s P.O.V

I didn't know how to respond to Saeki’s question.

"So what's it like? Are you getting into the role of playing Mrs. Kougami?"

"I know that you're love is a lie but that doesn't stop anything from happening ya' know?"

"You're marriage is fake but do you feel anything special about your title?"

Mr.Saeki’s voice echos in my head. But I finally muster up my courage and speak up. “I-”

“Oh! Manager what are you doing here-”

“Sa…..ge…..your….script…...dead...ne.” I hear a woman's voice in the distance after a random door slams in the background. “Sorry. I guess I have to finish some stuff. Catch you later-"

I put the phone down quickly and resume my cooking, trying to ignore what I'd just heard. I really don't know how to react though. Am I supposed to tell the school? Keep quiet?

Just leave it.

Good idea.

"So who was it?" Yamato asked me while tasting his soup.

"Well..." I pause. Thinking about whether or not tell him. "He was telling me about one of his scripts and then his manager began telling him off so, he hung up."

Yamato laughs. "Sounds like Saeki alright."

Once we finished making dinner we all sat and ate happily. Keeping it lively by conversating. I was able to join in but deep down I still thought about Yamato and Fumiko. At any rate, I was happy that Harue was getting along with them so well.

Once we finish dinner we talk a bit more while drinking tea. Harue fell asleep on the couch.His face looked peaceful.

After the clock struck 8 o’clock I headed home. We had a great time in the Kougami household but my mind kept looping what Mr. Saeki had said through the phone.


-Three days later-

This morning when I left the apartments, the sky was looking ominous. I walked Harue to school and it began sprinkling so I left him with my umbrella. I ran to school getting a little bit wet. I had almost slipped off my heels when I did.

I thanked Harue’s early schedule in my head as I walk inside my classroom. Mr. Kougami walked in my classroom with a flyer in his hand.

“Good Morning.” He greets closing the door behind him. Kougami and I never walked to school together because he always got here earlier. Sometimes I think it should be the opposite since I still have Haru to drop off.

But then again, English is the easiest subject for teacher here. Since we don’t have meetings and such. Most of the planning, I do myself. All I ever have to do is turn in a summary and lesson plans.

“Good Morning.” I smile.

“They’re having a drill soon. For earthquakes and fires.” He pauses. “I don’t think the flyer reached you.” He hands me the flyer.

“Thank you.” I bow a little. “I think maybe my room has been abandoned for too long. People probably think its still a storage room.”

“They shouldn’t.” Yamato chuckles. “This is a great classroom. I hear many of my students talking about how it’s fun in here.”

“And, already I feel like you’ve become more of a friend to your students, and not so much a teacher.”

I blush a bit at his compliment and wave my hand a little in modestly. “T-thank you. But I’m just doing the job.”

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