39 - Which Truth

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I had forgotten that he had Fumiko take part in his lie to get a job here. How were we supposed to get out of this lie?

Just when I thought all our problems had been resolved, it turns out we had one that was dormant.

Or one that we forgot about.

"So, let me get this straight." Yamato blinks and asks him seriously. "You're going off of rumors?"

"Well Mr. Kougami, do you have proof to say otherwise?" The vice principal retorts.

"Then, where is your proof on the subject?" Yamato's cuts in. "You can't accuse us off of spoken word."

"That's true Mr.Kougami but, why don't you explain to me why you were late to class yesterday after lunch? Both of you."

"We ate lunch together, in the greenhouse, is that something that's against the rules?"

"No but you guys were too far from the buildings, a man and a woman alone in a confined space, things can happen-"

"Enough!" I say in a flat tone. I stand from my seat. "Your attacking us with you unproven assumptions and obscene thinking. This is incredibly insulting and disrespectful. For both me, and Mr. Kougami."

"Ms. Natsume-"

"I'm done with hearing from you. Believe what you will." I turn to leave. "The principal will be hearing about this."

It pissed me off that he just assumed things based off of all the shit that the students talk on their free time.

He almost sounds like an old lady that has nothing better to do than to listen to gossip.

I go further into the office until I see the principal standing next to a coffee machine. He notices me and greets me.

"Miss. Natsume." He smiles kindly. "How are you?"

"I'm doing somewhat well, thank you." I answer him politely. "May I have a word with you?"

He nods picking up on the seriousness of my tone. We go into his office.

"Take a seat." He offers still smiling.

"Ah no. I'm fine thank you." I bow slightly. "There has been a rumour going around about Mr.Kougami and I..." I begin.

Mr.Okishima listens carefully at everything I say. Calmly taking every word in. Trying to comprehend me.

"I see." He nods. "So he thinks that you two are having some kind of affair."

"That's correct." I nod.

For some reason, the fact that this very man sitting in front of me is Yamato's father, hasn't registered in my brain quite yet.

Now that I think about it, I start to tense up.

"I trust Mr. Kougami and despite it being your first year here, I feel that I can trust you too."

"..why?" I ask specifically trying to get a certain answer. He was nice, which I didn't mind but...

Maybe he knows Yamato is his son?

"I...have a son about your age."


"Thank you. I appreciate your trust." I bow once more. "I'm just a little bit disappointed in the vice principal, because he doubted us so much and chose the students words over ours."

"I'll have a word with him." He smiles once more. "The bell is about to ring for class..."

"Ah yes.."

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