Chapter Six

450 22 8

Written by Shelby

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The next morning went by in a blur. We all woke up bright and early to clean up our campsite and get back to the Burrow. No one spoke much; I think we were all still shocked from the previous night’s events.

“Will you pass me my wand?” Fred muttered sleepily. I handed it to him without a word, rubbing my eyes in the process.

“Right, now is everyone ready?” Mr. Weasley questioned us, scanning the area for any loose items. “Good, then let’s go.”

I slung my bag over my shoulder and fell into step between Perrie and Fred. As we made our way back to the portkey, I realized something; September first was coming up really soon…in less than a week we were heading back to Hogwarts!

“Guys! Did you realize how soon it is until—”

“Hogwarts?” Perrie finished for me with a grin. I nodded eagerly. “I know, I can’t believe I almost forgot!”

“So I’m expecting you ladies to be helping us out with our long list of pranks this year!” Fred announced in a mock stern tone.

“Oh come on Fred, you both know Addi and I put schoolwork before—” Perrie began, but George slapped his hand over her mouth before she could finish.

“Don’t you dare utter those horrible words!” George gasped in horror.

“Which words?” I jumped in, an evil little grin forming across my face. “You mean ‘we put schoolw—‘” Next thing I knew, I was practically getting tackled by two identical redheads. I cried out in surprise as I tried to fight them off.

“Me and Addi put schoolwork before pranks!” Perrie yelled out in a singsong voice, dashing away before the twins could get her. I doubled over in laughter as I watched the twins chase her down. How I loved my friends.

* * * *

A couple of hours later, the Burrow came into view. I saw the front door swing open and a terrified looking Mrs. Weasley came rushing out.

There you are!” she exclaimed in relief, pulling everyone into a lung-crushing hug. “Do you have any idea how worried I was? Death Eaters at the World Cup!”

“Mum, we’re all okay!” George assured her, trying to loosen her grip on him.

“Oh Perrie, Addi! I’m so glad to see you girls okay!” Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, ignoring George’s comment. “I got everyone’s school supplies at Diagon Alley the day you left, so you’re all set for Hogwarts.”

“Wow, thanks Mrs. Weasley,” I replied with a bright smile. Oh how excited I was to go back to Hogwarts!

After everyone had assured Mrs. Weasley a hundred times that we were all okay, she ushered us inside where a hot meal was already waiting for us on the table. We all sat down and tucked in, filling our stomachs with eggs and toast.

* * * *

The few days of summer we had left flew by, and before I knew it, it was time to board the Hogwarts Express. That morning had been hectic; everyone running everywhere, trying to find misplaced items and tripping over each other. I couldn’t wait to just sit down and relax for a while.

“Be good girls!” Mr. Weasley told Perrie and I with a wink. He then leaned closer and added, “Try to keep those boys in line, will you?”

I laughed. Like that would happen. “We’ll try our best!”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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