Chapter Five

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Written by @FairyLiquid OR @SmileLoveGlow - I have two accounts.

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The walk back to the tent was pretty intense – with hundreds, or should I say thousands, of excitable Irish fans cheering and screaming their victory in our eardrums every second. Not that I didn’t enjoy that – I had been rooting for Ireland since the beginning.

One particular enthusiastic fan actually came up to Addi and hugged her – he was dressed in all green, and had painted the logo of the Irish Quidditch team on one cheek. I slapped a hand to my mouth, holding back a series of giggles, which Addi returned with a stone-cold glare.

“So…” I said casually, once we had managed to lose the rabid fan, “did you get his name? You know, for like future references?”

Addi hit me. Hard.

* * * *

We arrived back at the tent five minutes later, the unfortunate fan incident forgotten, both grinning and chanting along with the crowd outside. Hermione and Ginny were sitting in the living area, which had been constructed to the far left of the tent, with cushions and blankets.

“Hey,” I said cheerfully, dropping down onto the nearest cushion, “sorry we lost you guys back there.”

“We went to find the gift shop.” Addi finished for me, holding up a pair of emerald-green paper bags, with a small smile.

Ginny rolled her eyes and said, “Sounds about right.”

Addi and I poked our tongues out at her.

Time slowly ticked on, and it was around midnight, after Ginny had passed out at the coffee table, that Mr Weasley announced that it was best we all headed off to bed. Of course, most of us objected, but his word was final, and twenty minutes later, Addi and I slinked off to our make-shift rooms.

When Addi pulled back the curtain concealing the room, we found an empty bunk bed in wait. I quickly leapt forward and scrambled up to the top, but a hand enclosed around my ankle a second later – pulling me back down to the floor with a loud thud.

I stared into thin air for a few seconds, utterly bemused, and then I recomposed myself. “Addi!” I screamed, stumbling to my feet, “You bloody prick! Get down!”

Addi grinned mischievously from the top of the bed, “You should’ve been faster.”

I smirked, “Fine then.”

Addi frowned at me, clearly confused – and that’s exactly what I wanted. I quickly gripped the side of the bed and swung myself up over the bar, all the while thankful that the bed was quite low to the ground – I was never much of a gymnast. In fact, I sucked at every sport, aside from Quidditch, which I think I already mentioned.

“Hey!” Addi exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise, “Get off! I was here first!”

“No you weren’t!” I shot back, and grabbed her leg, “I was.”

One thing that I forgot to remember was that Addi, unlike me, was freakishly strong – and good at sports. “No,” said Addi, with a grin, “You weren’t.”

She tried to wrestle her leg free from my grasp, but I held on for dear life, not even wincing when Addi’s nails dug into my skin. Because, of course, I had to bite mine. Long nails made excellent defence mechanisms – how could I forget that?

“Let go!” Addi shouted in between laughs, “I’m being serious!”

“Are you going to let me have the top bunk?” I asked sweetly, not releasing my grip.

Fighting Temptation (A Fred and George Weasley Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя