Chapter Three

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Written by @FairyLiquid

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“Perrie!” screamed a familiar, slightly shriller than usual, voice, “Time to wake up!”

I moaned dramatically and rolled over to bury my face into the pillow, “Go away. Leave me alone. I’m dead.”

Someone snickered nearby, “Oh that’s brilliant, so when can we start celebrating?”

I shot out of bed immediately, “George!” I snapped.

Both Fred and George took one look at the irritated expression on my face and scarpered from the room – how charming, huh? Now that I was out of bed, I stumbled over to the bathroom, bleary eyed and tired from lack of sleep, “How come you’re up so early then?”

Addi shot me a pointed look and rolled her eyes, “It’s almost twelve o’clock, Perrie.”

I cast her a dry look, “What? I could’ve had at least another hours sleep!”

“You’re unbelievable sometimes, you know that?” Addi said blandly, stepping aside to let me inside the bathroom.

I smiled, “I know, I’m just that amazing aren’t I?”

Addi rolled her eyes again – you know sometimes, I wondered if she was actually turning into me – and said rather sarcastically, “Of course.”

I closed the door without further discussion, still smiling like an idiot, and started to run a bath. About half an hour later, I exited the bathroom, fully-clothed and make up lightly applied. Addi was nowhere in sight, so I plainly figured that she was downstairs preparing Lunch with Mrs Weasley and Ginny.

I thundered down the stairs – a childish habit, I know – and into the kitchen, the bun I had constructed swishing from side-to-side with each of my movements, “Morning!” I called cheerfully, sticking a head around the door with a grin.

Addi laughed and set down the knife she was using to slice carrots with – insert violent choking sounds – and walked over to me, shoving a grater and a chunk of cheese into my bare palms, “Oh good you’re finally up. You came down at the perfect time, now you can join in the fun and grate some cheese for us!”

I narrowed my eyes and followed her over to the counter top, placing the grater in front of me onto the mantel piece, “Oh goodie. You know how I just love my cheese grating.”

Addi smirked, “It’s a shame you didn’t get up quick enough to start peeling some carrots too.”

I hated carrots with a burning passion – in case you were wondering what the inside joke of that was – and Addi knew that, heck, everyone knew that, “Yeah,” I said stiffly, “A real pity.”

“What are you two banging on about now?” Ginny asked, though she too was smiling whilst chopping some fresh smelling runner beans opposite us.

“Nothing!” I sing-songed under my breath with a mischievous smile.

Ginny rolled her eyes and continued slicing the vegetables, “I’m sure.”

I paused for a moment and looked around the room, “What is with all the sarcasm today?”

Addi scoffed loudly and looked at me, “What?” she said, placing the knife down onto the chopping board with a small smile, “So you can get away with it all the time and not us?”

Ginny raised her hand at Addi with a grin, “Nice one.”

I scowled as both girls high-fived and dissolved into fits of laughter at my expression, “That’s… that’s…” I struggled for the correct words; “Oh shut up!” is what I eventually settled for – though that quickly back fired, as this only seemed to make them laugh harder.

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