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Remus's (pov)

I noticed Logan shuffle beside me, my limbs wrapped around Janus's body leaving Logan on the edge of the bed. I hear him sigh and make his way out the bedroom. He's done that a lot recently, get up during the night and not return for an hour or so. "He's at it again."

I look up to see Janus with his eyes still closed but fully awake. "What do you think he's doing?" I asked quietly. "Who's to say? He's been through a lot, I'm surprised he can even sleep in the same bed as us." I prod his side roughly, causing him to flinch, actually looking down on me now. "Don't act like we did anything. It was that psycho." This time he prodded me. "Idiot! It's still gonna take him awhile for him to trust us. Our plans are just gonna have to hold off for a little longer." I nodded, smushing my face in his chest. "I know, I know. It's just I love him a lot. A lot, a lot. I also love you a lot....so it's hard having to wait, I mean wouldn't you think it be easier to get it over with? Instead of waiting to see if another wrench with get thrown in our ass?" He rolled his eyes, running his hand through my hair, messing with the white streak. "I know what you mean but right now just isn't the time." I leaned up looking him in the eye, not really saying anything. We didn't have too. He knew what I was trying to say and I knew what he was trying to say. So we both leaned in meeting in a sweet kiss. I placed my hand gently on his jaw whilst his rested on the back of my head, still messing with my hair in a beautifully calming way. We pulled away from one another merely to return to the kiss after taking a breathe. "Oh my."

We both turned to see Logan standing at the door, glass of water in hand. "Well hello there." Jan said coyly. "Hello." He walked over placing the glass on the bedside table, crawling into bed with the both of us. I shifted slightly, wrapping myself around him instead of Janus earning me a playful 'rude'. I chuckled kissing Logan's cheek as he placed his glasses down beside his glass. "And hello to you as well." Janus spoons me from behind as Logan stretches his arms round the both of us sandwiching me in between. "Just so you know we're going to be really sweaty in the morning as body heat plus quilt equals nope." I chuckled, wiggling between them.

"Shower sex baby."

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