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Patton's (pov)

I cleared my throat as I stood myself outside of Deceit's door, knocking firmly. "Ye-Oh hello dear. Did you help Patton?" I nodded "Indeed I did. Apologies however, I didn't mean for my icky complicated human emotions to get out of hand." He chuckled leaning against the door frame. "Then what are we doing together then?" He asked jokingly though I had to suppress a smirk. "Good question. In fact it's already been answered." He looked to me questioningly. "What do you mean?" He asked concern overriding his features. "Well emotions can get out of hand easily. So I truly suggest we terminate our relationship." I took a deep breathe as Deceit's left eye flickered yellow. A clear sign he was testing if someone was lying or not.

"Your lying."

"Your wrong."

"I'm never wrong."

"Are you arguing with Logic?"

He froze, eyebrows knitted together an evident hidden frown. "S-so your serious? After you just beat up innocent Patton?!" I nodded firmly as his eye started changing to its original brown. "Oh. Ok then." He gulped back what looked like tears as he simply nodded, presumably out of sly sinner words. "It's been a pleasure acknowledging your existence." With that I sink out back to my precious Logie.

Deceit's (pov)

I closed the door to our once shared bedroom as tears slipped passed my eyes. I rested my head on the door merely looking down completely forgetting Remus sitting on my bed. That is until I felt him tap my shoulder.

"De? Are you-Holy shit! Your crying! What happened?! Who do I have to kill?!" I merely sobbed into Remus's shoulder trying to collect my thoughts. Leaving him utterly confused yet happily returning the hug. He shushed me calmly, throwing off my hat and letting my mess of hair free. Eventually I calmed down enough to speak, granted not very easily.

I pulled back from his embrace wiping at my eyes as he looked to me patiently waiting for me to speak. "L-Logan. He uh he...." I trailed off wiping my nose on my sleeve. "He-he left our relationship." I got out, voice cracking at the end. Remus stares at me wide eyed. "He-he did...what?" I simply nodded holding back another sob as Remus stayed at me in disbelief. "Holy shit."

The next week was strange to say the least. Remus and I stayed in our side of the mind and no one came to visit us. Not even Roman nor Virgil and especially not.......never mind. We kept our relationship as normal as we could. We cuddled, we cried a lot-a lot, a lot and it wouldn't be a perfect breakup without stuffing ten pounds of crofters and ice cream down your throat now is it?

At current however, I was sat in my desk chair, Remus asleep in our now shared bed though it felt empty without uh no one. No one at all. I tried my hardest to focus on my work. Thinking of new ways to appear in videos was harder than it looked. Though I kept getting distracted by a wilted black and white flower crown placed gently upon my laptop.  "One for a duke." "And one for a snake." Now you both share." I smiled slightly at the memory of.....I sigh placing my head in my hands trying to think of something work related.

That was until someone knocked on the door. I groaned getting up from my desk and placing my hat on my head. Making sure to tuck all the golden locks up and out of the way. I opened the door my signature smirk on my face, only to fall when I see whose on the other side.

"I need your help!"

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