Chapter Eighteen

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I thought it would feel good to be home. It doesn’t, really.

            Late on my second night back, I’m upstairs in the Smith’s apartment, trying to keep the boys off each other. They’ve been fighting nonstop. The older one, Alex, has already punched his younger brother, Jake, in the nose. The last thing I need is a trip to the emergency room. The last thing I needed this summer was a trip to the emergency room, and yet here I am with far too many under my belt.

            As I struggle to get Alex and Jake seated in front of the television, I think about a thousand other things I would be happier doing. I don’t need this. I don’t need to have my hair pulled and skin clawed at by little boys. I am longing for the Sullivan’s clean white apartment.

            My phone rings, and I’m home it’s Mrs. Smith calling to tell me that she and Mr. Smith are coming home early. But it’s only Chloe, although I actually am happy to hear from her.

            “Hey, Chlo.”

            “Hey! How was London?”

            “It was great. I really needed a break, you know?”

            “I know exactly what you mean. I could use one, too.”

            Probably more than I did. “Listen, if you need to get out of the house, you’re more than welcome to stay with me. Any time you want.”

            “Thanks. So, how was Carter’s family?”

            “So nice. I loved them.”

            “I’m so happy for you. Can you, like, take me with you next time?”

            “I’ll see what I can do. So, how has everything been with you?” Rather, how has everything been with Nate?

            She sighs. “Not bad. Everything’s the same.”

            By now, I know that “the same” is not a good thing. “Are you okay?” I ask.

            “Yeah, are you?”

            “Yeah. I’m sorry I haven’t visited in a while. It’s just...too hard, I guess.”  

            “I get it. It’ll all be over soon, though.”

            I bite my lip, hoping she’s right, for both of our sakes. “You think so?”

            “I hope so. That’s all I can do, right?”

            “Yeah,” I say, “right.”

            My phone buzzes on my night table. I peel one eye open. Who in the hell is texting me at this hour?

            “Hello?” I croak into the phone.

            “Are you up?” Grace hisses.

            “No,” I mumble.

            “I need to tell you something.”

            “Now?” I check the clock. It’s almost two in the morning. “Can it wait?”

            “No. I can’t sleep.”

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