Chapter One

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“Oh, shit,” I hiss through gritted teeth as I feel it start to rain. The drops plop, plop, plop on the top of my head, and I wonder if this is what Alice’s tears looked like in Wonderland. You know, when she eats the cake that makes her grow and she starts to cry because she can’t fit through the door? That’s what this rain feels like. I wouldn’t be surprised if the streets flooded and Nate and I got carried away with the current. I don’t think I’d mind.

            I can smell the storm in the air, the humidity heavy like a blanket. Sometimes humid air feels warm and comfortable, but tonight it’s just stifling.

            I peel my drenched bangs from my forehead. They’re getting all tangled up in my eyelashes. I should just grow them out. Really, I should. I don’t know how much longer I can take brushing my goddamn bangs out of my eyes every five seconds.

            Rain drips onto my forehead and trickles down the sides of my face. It clings to the tip of my noise and pools on my upper lip and in the corners of my mouth. I lick my lips and get a mouthful of water instead.

            I look at Nate. He doesn’t seem to mind the rain. His long eyelashes stick together, dark and waterlogged. The rain dots his sweatshirt with dark flecks. I blink the drops away from my eyes. I can barely see. The easiest place to look is down towards my feet, but I only want to look at him. He gives me a lopsided, dimpled smile.

            I hate summers here. They’re the worst time of year. It’s too hot. It’s cooler on Long Island, but I’d rather die than live on Long Island. As much as I love Manhattan, I loathe its heat. As soon as the warm weather hits, I feel like a lobster, boiling with all the other lobsters in a huge pot on this stove of an island, the heat slowly bringing us all to our deaths.

            At least I have Nate to suffer with before September rolls around. I miss the crisp autumn air. It’s my absolute favorite time of the year. Sweaters, Thanksgiving, Halloween, my birthday… Did I mention Thanksgiving? And the first month of school is always the best. There’s hardly any work and some classes are actually tolerable, even enjoyable, for those few short weeks. And have you seen Central Park in the fall? It’s beautiful. The leaves are every shade of red, orange, and yellow that you can possibly think of, and I get to see it from my rooftop all season long.

            Today is June 27th. I have a long way to go until then.

            My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of pounding feet. Nate has taken off running ahead of me. He trips over the curb and stumbles. I throw my head back and laugh. It’s the loud kind of laugh that comes from that place deep in my chest. He hears me and focuses his gaze on me. Our smiles hold for a moment. His straight white teeth flash for a moment before disappearing behind a lopsided grin. I press my tongue into the inside of my cheek and bite down hard, suppressing the silly giggle that’s bubbling in my throat.

            “Are you coming or what?” he calls.

            “Coming where?”

            “Home, you idiot. Unless you want to hang around out here all night.”

            I feel a tug, like there’s a string attached to my chest and he’s pulling on it, drawing me to him. I run, the soles of my Chuck Taylors smacking loudly against the wet concrete. I take his wrist in my hand when I pass him and drag him along behind me. He is stronger than me. He yanks me back easily and locks his arms around my waist. My laughter sounds more like screams as I feel my feet lift off the ground.

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