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Chapter twenty three

A few months later:

*Abby's p.o.v*

I'm finally a mom now. It happened yesterday afternoon. I have a son and a daughter. The name of my son is Jacob Evan Patenaude. The name of my daughter is Katilyn Marie Patenaude.
"Jacob looks just like me," Steve said.
"Yes he does, the same hair and the same eyes," I said.
"Wait he's got dimples, which I don't have, so he must've got them from you," he said.
"Yes," I said.
"And our baby girl looks just like her mother," he said.
"Yes she does," I said.
"She's got that beautiful smile, dimples and beautiful eyes as well," he said.
"Actually I think her eyes change colour," I said.
"How can you tell?" He asked.
"Because her right eye has gone from a green colour to a blue colour, while her left eye has done the same thing as well," I said.
"That's awesome, she's a very special little girl," he said.
"That's because she's our daughter and Jacob is a special little boy," I said.
"That's because he's our son," he said.
"Yes," I said.
"Should we think of nicknames now?" He asked.
"Yeah I think we should," I said.
"So I was thinking of Jake for our son," he said.
"I was thinking of Katie or Kate for our daughter," I said.
"I like the sound of Katie," he said.
"So do I," I said.
"Steve and Abby," he said.
"And our kids Jake and Katie," I said.
"It's perfect," he said.
"Yes it is." I said. We stopped talking that way I could rest a little bit. I'm so happy that Steve and I our now parents to not one but two happy and healthy babies. I've always dreamed of starting a family, but never once did I think that I would be starting a family with a member of one of my favourite bands, this is a dream come true. Also I never did think that I would become such great friends with band members or that I would be adopted by parents of band members. My life has changed so much and right now I wouldn't trade my life for anything at all. I'm happily in love with Steve Patenaude of Eleven Past One, I'm also about to marry him in just a few more months. I'm the adopted sister of Stephen and Daniel Richter of Eleven Past One. I'm friends with Daniel Beattie and Kyle Bykiv of Eleven Past One. I also have some close friends that aren't famous and those friends are like sisters to me, which is nice.
I hope that I will be able to tell my kids my story when they are older. I won't tell it to them before they are teenagers because that wouldn't be good, and also I don't think that they would like to hear a story like mine until they are teenagers.
You never do forget when something bad happens to you during your life. You do however always remember when something good happens during your life. I've been blessed with an amazing boyfriend, who is going to become my husband really soon. I've also been blessed with a son and with a daughter.
In my past life, my past that I want to forget, but I likely never will, this life that I have now wouldn't have ever happened if my foster parents had anything to do with it.
In my earlier life I was always a happy child and nothing would ever ruin that, I always made other people smile when they were having a bad day. This is the part of my childhood that I will tell my kids about if they ask me about my childhood.
I will also tell them about the love story that Steve and I have. The one that we have had since the age of sixteen. The love story of my first boyfriend and I, the love story that I will never get tired of telling when someone asks me about it.

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