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Chapter eight:

*Abby's p.o.v.*

Emma and I just danced on live TV and it felt amazing, at least I thought that it was amazing. We are now outside the studio waiting for Emma's step brother Adam to come and get us.

"Hello girls!" A loud voice yelled.

"Hello Adam!" Emma and I said.

"So do you girls need a ride home?" Adam asked us.

"Yes please," we said.

"Abby do you want to sit in the front?" He asked.

"Yes please," I said.

"Okay. Emma are you okay with sitting in the back?" He asked.

"Yes of course I'm okay with it," Emma said.

"Okay let's go," he said.

"Okay." We said.

Emma and I got into the car. I sat down in the front seat, while Emma sat down in the back seat. Adam started the car and turned on the radio. The sounds of eleven past one filled the car and Adam turned the radio up a little bit louder.

"You like eleven past one?" I asked.

"Yes I do. Well actually I didn't really come across them until about last week," he said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes because when I found out that the drummers girlfriend is best friends with my step sister," he said.

"So you started listening to eleven past one as soon as you found out that I was best friends with Emma and that I'm the girlfriend of Steve Patenaude?" I asked.

"Yes and also I wanted to hear some eleven past one," he said, than asked, "do you know of another band that I should check out?"

"Have you ever heard of down with webster before?" I asked.

"They sing your man right?" He asked.

"Yes," I said.

"I'm going to start listening to some more of their songs," he said.

"Good," I said.

"Abby why don't you pull out your copy of their album?" Emma asked.

"Which album? Which band?" I asked.

"The album that Camm gave you for your birthday last year," she said.

"Which one?" I asked.

"How many did he give you?" She asked.

"The three down with webster albums and his mix tape," I said.

"I think I want to hear his mix tape," Adam said, than asked, "what kind of music does he play?"

"He's a rapper," I said.

"Well I do like rap music," Adam said.

"Awesome, so Abby put the mix tape in," Emma said from the back seat.

"Okay I will do that," I said.

"Awesome." Emma said. I put the mix tape into the cd slot. I know that Camm didn't release the mix tape in cd form, but for me he did just that, because he thought that he would surprise me on my birthday with an autographed copy of his mix tape and the rest of the band including Camm thought that they would surprise me with a copy of all three of their albums which they all autographed as well. I really am blessed to be friends with band members. It's funny though because when I was younger I never thought that I would ever be friends with anyone that was famous or even being asked out by a famous person. I'll admit that when Steve first asked me to be his girlfriend he kept on denying his fame, he still does, actually all of eleven past one still denies the fame. I guess that's a good thing because they don't let the fame get to their heads and also they always like to take time out of their busy schedule to try and talk with their fans. I even talk to their fans as well, than again I am the younger sister of Stephen and Daniel so that basically explains why I get along so good with the fans as well. Since I talk to the fans I have two different twitter accounts. The one twitter account I have is for me to be able to talk to the fans and the second one that I have is my own personal twitter account that I use to talk to the people that I'm really close to. About a half hour later we were pulling up to a little pub.

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