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Chapter thirteen:

*two months later*

*Steve's p.o.v.*

It's been two months since Abby told me that she's pregnant, two months since I asked her to marry me and two months filled with memories. Yes I'm happy that she's here with us on our tour, but I can tell that she misses going to the dance studio and dancing on TV with Emma, I know that because she used to watch the show to support Emma, but now she won't watch it and if she does watch it she gets all emotional and cries and goes on about how much she misses it.

One minute she's happy and the next minute she's all sad. It's like she can't make her mind up, it has to be because she's pregnant. Even the girls are noticing changes with Abby and so are the guys. Nothing is the same with Abby right now.

"Steve," Abby said.

"Abby," I said.

"Can you go and get me some bacon flavoured ice cream?" She asked.

"Of course I can babe," I said.

"Thanks," she said.

"You're welcome." I said. Yes Abby is craving some pretty weird combinations of food lately. Yesterday was Nutella covered pickles and caramel covered shrimp with black olives and today she's craving bacon flavoured ice cream. I wonder what she'll crave later on today or tonight. I got up off the couch from my spot beside Abby and walked into the kitchen to get her the ice cream.

"What's she craving today?" Stephen asked.

"She wants bacon flavoured ice cream," I said.

"Well I guess that's better than what she was craving yesterday," Pat said.

"What was she craving yesterday?" Tyler asked.

"Nutella covered pickles and caramel covered shrimp and black olives," I said.

"Yeah what she's craving today is a bit more normal and not as odd as what she wanted yesterday," Tyler said.

"Yes it is," I said.

"Here you go, take it to Abby before she gets up and comes in here and asks you why it's taking so long," Stephen said.

"Okay thanks," I said.

"You're welcome." He said. I took the bowl of ice cream in my hands and walked out of the kitchen and into the family room and walked over to the couch and sat down beside Abby. I handed her the bowl of ice cream and she started to eat it slowly. After she finished eating she walked to the kitchen to put her bowl in the sink and than came back to the family room and sat down on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her stomach, she's still not showing that she's full out pregnant yet, so that means that they're see likely still a few more weeks until that happens. She cuddled up against me and put her head on my chest. I held her tighter to me. She was freezing cold, so I wrapped a blanket around her, which resulted in me also being wrapped in the blanket a little bit as well. She was shaking because of how cold she was. That's the other thing that happens when a girl is pregnant she can be warm or hot one minute and than the next minute she's freezing cold, I find it really odd, but it does give me an excuse to cuddle with her for longer and hold her in my arms for longer, which is what I love to do on a daily basis. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. She looked up and kissed me on the lips, I smiled into the kiss and started to kiss her back. After we were done kissing each other, she put her head back on my chest and closed her eyes, she fell asleep in my arms. Usually since she became pregnant every time she has a nap, she stays asleep for a few good hours before she finally wakes up again.


*Abby's p.o.v.*

I decided that it was time for my afternoon nap. I've been having some weird/odd food cravings. Yesterday I was craving Nutella covered pickles and caramel shrimp and black olives, today I've been craving bacon flavoured ice cream. Yes really weird food cravings I know, but if you give it a try you can get used to eating them. I fell asleep on Steve's chest like always, his arms were wrapped tightly around me like they always are, I'm used to falling asleep in his arms, it provides me with a safe feeling and I love the feeling of it. Right now I'm freezing cold and Steve knows that I'm freezing cold because he wrapped a blanket around me, he even ended up wrapping some of the blanket around himself, because the blanket is really big and really comfy, than again it is my blanket that we are using right now and I love it, actually it's the big fluffy blanket that Steve gave me.

"Steve," I said.

"Abby," he said.

"I don't feel so great," I said.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I just hurt all over right now, well mostly my stomach where the baby is," I said.

"Right here?" He asked as he rubbed my stomach in little circles.

"Yes," I said.

"Does it feel a bit better?" He asked.

"Yes, but maybe it's because you have the magic touch I don't know," I said as I let out a little laugh.

"Haha," he said.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too." He said. I closed my eyes once again and fell asleep again. I could get used to this, oh wait I'm already used to it, have been for the past few months. I just love it when he holds me in his arms and I'm able to fall asleep that way, it does offer a lot of comfort, at least that's what I think. It just feels nice that even though I'm pregnant it feels nice that Steve didn't leave me, because I've heard that a lot of times when a girl gets pregnant from her boyfriend, her boyfriend tends to leave her to raise the baby on her own and never be a part of his own child's life and never even feel guilty about it. I know that if Steve were to leave me as a result of me being pregnant he would feel guilty, I'm just very glad that he didn't leave me and has stayed with me ever since it happened and I couldn't be more happy. I always smile when I'm around Steve and Steve always smiles when he's around me. I am just so glad that Steve and I have been together since the age of sixteen when I moved in with the Richter family. If I hadn't moved in with the Richter family, I never would've met Steve and I wouldn't be the younger sister of Stephen and Daniel. Also I wouldn't have started dating Steve, or become pregnant with his child or be getting married to him really soon. I'm still overly happy about that and also getting over the fact that he did ask me for my hand in marriage, I still think that it was just a dream and that none of it has happened but every time I try and pinch myself awake, I'm still in the same spot that was a minute ago, that is how I know that none of this is a dream.

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