13. The Pain To Convince

Start from the beginning

"Look here Ferit bey, if he kissed me or not isn't our topic here and even if-" "Can you put the knife down? I don't want any more accidents," He said. I slammed the knife on the table, "As I was saying, I won't come back to work for you" "Why? Haven't you been kissed before?" Ferit bey taking on a teasing tone was new to me but this was infuriating. 

I took the knife back in my hand, glaring at him. "I swear you will make me a murderer!" I growled and turned back to my potatoes. "Nuri, listen to me, please" I faced him with a sigh. "Özgür has left for Konya and he wouldn't be back for over a week" "Even him?" I mumbled, "Huh?" "Even Yeşim left today morning for some workshop" "Who's Yeşim?" He asked, "Well Yeşim is my roo-, hold on why should I tell you that?" I retorted and returned to my potatoes.

"Look, at least stay for one more week till Özgür gets back. After that you can leave if you like" He said. The offer was generous but I wasn't accepting it that easily. "What do I get in return?" "Your salary, what more do you want?" He replied. "Let's make a deal. If I cook for one week then..." "Then?" He was impatient now. "You will help me prepare for tomorrow's demonstration," I smiled at him.

 "You will help me prepare for tomorrow's demonstration," I smiled at him

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"Nuri, I can't cook. If I could, I wouldn't have hired you in the first place" "As if I'll let you poison me" I retorted earning a grin from him. "Then what am I supposed to do?" He sighed. "Not much. You just have to sit here..." I pointed towards the couch. "...And do what you are best at - criticizing people, but in this case, you will criticize my cooking. You will tell even the slightest fault, deal?" I held out my hand.

"Nuri, I have a lot of work at the company" "That's fine too, you can leave now and never show your face around here? Okay?" I asked innocently. "Fine, deal" He shook my hand sending faint sparks through me. I pulled back as quickly as possible, "So there's the remote and the TV... Enjoy" I smiled and returned to the kitchen. "You know you should be grateful that you get to eat it all for free," I stated and he nodded sarcastically. "Uh-huh," I couldn't care less and started cooking.


Ferit bey took his job very seriously.

When I gave him caramel pudding, "Too sweet." Vegetable soup, "Too much water." Potato fries, "Too dry and burnt at the edges." I was really angry by now. But even after all those remarks, he would lick the plate clean. "Ferit bey if you don't like my food you can leave," I said finally. "Don't misunderstand me Nuri but I just want to help you prepare. Moreover, you were the one who asked me to point out even the smallest mistake. Thanks to you, I don't have to eat lunch now" He replied, grinning to himself. 

I wanted to dump the plate of pasta I had in my hand on him now.


It was evening and I was still suffering because of my one-time decision. "I better leave now Nuri, Idris will reach home soon" Aha, finally!

He got up taking his coat. When he was about to leave, there was a knock on the door. "Who is it now?" I mumbled to myself and opened the door, "Nuri!" Idris hugged me tightly.

I laughed, "What are you doing here big guy?" I hugged him back, ruffling his hair. At that time another man came up the stairs, "It's Miss Nuri right?" "Yes?" I replied, "I am Bashir... Ah, Ferit bey... We didn't expect to see you here" Idris's face turned to one of shock on seeing Ferit bey, "Abi? What are you doing here?" "I should be asking you that young man," He frowned at the boy. He smiled nervously but I covered him, "Shall we talk inside?" I lead the party to the living room.

Idris stayed close to me while Ferit bey interrogated him. According to the boy, Bashir was going to take him to a restaurant after drawing class but he insisted on eating from my place. So Bashir was forced to get my address from miss Nazmiya and they came here. Ferit bey interrogated Bashir too, who had brought Idris here and was originally their driver. I pitied the duo.

I waited for the interrogation to end till I asked them, "So you haven't eaten anything till now?" "Nope" Idris put on his puppy face. "Good, then there will be no leftovers. Come on, you can sit down at the table. There is more than enough for everybody. Deren will also be here soon" I smiled at them. 

"Yippee!" Idris cried and was the first to be at the table and I served for the three of them. "Ferit bey... Miss Nuri... I am very sorry to bother you all," said Bashir as he sat down. "It's all right" I replied with a smile. "Nuri, won't you sit down?" Asked Idris, "After Deren comes" "Who's that?" He asked "She's my roommate" I replied.

Ferit bey hadn't touched his food yet, "I can't eat anymore" He told me. "Abi, did you eat anything else?" Idris narrowed his eyes on Ferit bey. "Uh... No buddy... I am not feeling that well" He replied and I glared at him. How could he lie to the child so well? He stared back, clearly asking me to shut up telepathically but I kept glaring at him. 

"Abi, what were you doing here when we came?" Idris asked curiously. "I came here to convince Nuri as you asked me to" "Did you?" Idris glanced at both of us. I chuckled, How could I deny this sweet child? "Yippee!" He exclaimed.

"I am back" Deren entered through the front door then. I went over to her, "Hey we have guests. Ferit bey, Idris and their driver, Bashir" "Your boss?" She whispered back and I nodded. She came to the living room and introduced herself before sitting down next to Idris. "Excuse me" Ferit bey got up from the table to answer a call.

I heard him say that they are on their way. He turned to Idris after hanging up, "Çihan is back buddy. He is waiting for us at home, can we leave now?" "Okay" Idris replied with a nod. Deren helped me clean the table and Bashir left immediately after thanking us again.

Idris turned to me as he went out the door, "You will surely be there tomorrow morning right?" "I promise," I kissed his head and he grinned at me. "Sorry for the inconvenience," Ferit bey turned to me. His lips curled into a warm smile, the best one so far. I felt butterflies inside me.

 Last Edited: 15th June 2021

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