ch-2 home?

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As i walk into the hall i couldnt help but stare. Chandeliers hung in rows and decorations littered the walls. I trailed my hand across a marble colum as a low chuckle sounded behind me. Stepping out of my trance i followed Xavier out into the valley of rooms.

The only sound where the faint tapping of my shoes and the occasional ooohs and ahhhs as i walked past the mass of grand paintings. After my tour of the castle like building we stopped upon a door that seemed to be out of a movie. It was made of dark oak and sat as tall as the ceiling. As if it was nothing, Xavier pushed the double doors open and led me inside. The room was what seemed to be a grand en- suite consisted of heus of blue, silver and faint traces of gold. In the center there was a plush queen-sized bed with pale blue sheets and white throw-pillows. In the right corner of the room, there was a cream leather sofa. The sofa was sat under a large window which faced the door. Across the left wall there was a built in wardrobe. As i was curious i opened it to see robes of all colors reds to the darkest of black and purest of golds. Under them sat matching shoes and to the left where a box of accessories and there was a small portion of everyday clothes such as shirts and jeans . There was also a few sets of free flowing skirts. As badly as i wanted to feel the glossy fabric of the dresses i didnt want to ruin them. I took one last look at the fluffy rug which i stood on and closed the sliding door.

I turned to face Xavier before speaking.
"so who's room is this?"
I asked curiously only to be rewarded with a hearty laugh.

"Im looking right at her,"
He smiled which made my heart rate rapidly increase i wanted to hug him but also stand there in oblivion. So. I chose the second option.
"ill leave you to get settled, oh and... Welcome home "

Once it finally sunk in, i decided to go for a shower. The warm water trickled down my curves and into the drain below. I sighed in relief . I shampoo'd my hair and quickly ran conditioner through it. I used vanilla scented body wash before stepping out and wrapping a plush towel around me. I stepped back into the room seeing a black folded shirt and a black pair of pj shorts. Upon it lay a note

"Since you where in the shower i decided to give you these . I hope you like them .

I smiled before pulling on the shirt and then the shorts. I quickly brushed my hair with a brush which was on the bed-side dresser and pulled it up into a neat pony-tail. I checked the time before laying down on the bed. I still had a few hours before lunch so i decided to settle under the covers and take a nap. And boy was it the best sleep ive had in years.

((sorry it was short i just found out im having another sibling-a boy and recently came out pan to my family. Tysm for waiting love >J

As her thorns crumble🌹Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя