One moment I had fell asleep in his lap the next I was being carried up to my room. I thought I was dreaming. Flying through the air. Traveling through time and space. That’s when its time me, time. Time and time again. Just time.

                I was seeing my mother and father holding hands again smiling and laughing. Like time was standing still or had turned back to where it all began when they first became happy. But that wasn’t it. It was my father and mother with all their children. Parker, Max, Jax, and me. We were all playing in the back yard, me as a little wolf; pup. The twins chasing each other in their wolf forms. Parker just sitting there in his wolf form looking stupid.

                That’s when it hit me, a man or so I thought had came to where we were with a gun and shot at us. Shot my brothers and my parents than me for last.

                Shot me dead.

                That’s when I woke up screaming.

                I was being shook by Kevin, with Harley, Claire and Sam running in the room. I woke up looking at them crying, like a little kid again. I didn’t know what had happened.

“Liv, your okay. It was just a bad dream.” Kevin said.

Claire walked over to me on the other side of the bed, sat next to me rubbing my back. “What’s the matter, honey? What happened?” she asked me.

“It happened again.” I said.

“What do you mean?” Kevin asked. “Sam, go get her some water please.”

Sam had left the room to get me some water but was right back within seconds. “Here Liv, drink this.” He said handed me the glass of water.

I took the glass and took a few sips was water. Then gave it back to him. “It was time.” I said. “Time.” I repeated.

They looked at me all lost for a second. Until Harley spoke. “Time?” he questioned. “Wait about the meadow with your parents, brothers and you as wolfs.” He asked.

                Everyone had looked at him like, how did he know what I was talking about. But he was the only one that knew what I was talking about because I has told him this story once before. When we were younger. When the last time I had it was when my father left like this.

“Yes.” I said finally answering him.

“Honey, what happen?” Claire asked.

“A man with a gun, shot all of us, leaving me last to die.” I said. “My mother, father, Parker, Max, Jax, then me.”

“Liv, it was just a dream.” Kevin said.

“I know it was,” I started to say. “When father leaves, I have this dream. Like it’s a sign that something bad is gonna happen to him or to all of us. Its just a matter of time.” I said with the word ‘Time’ again.

“Nothing is gonna happen to your father. He has his best men with him. Hell is having Charlie and Shelton with him. And they are some good fighters.” Kevin said.

Alpha Female Princess Book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now