37; 𝙟𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙮

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a/n: this is basically a jihan chapter aGAIn goddamn

joshua was jealous. maybe, maybe not. he won't admit it, he'd rather be dead.

who would, in their right mind, be jealous of someone else being close to jeonghan—who joshua honestly wanted a break from?

like earlier today, joshua caught seungcheol and jeonghan in the fourth floor, playing games while laughing. there's nothing wrong, of course, joshua doesn't own the fourth floor. there's also nothing wrong with laughing, joshua laughs too, like a normal person.

joshua was upset for no reason. he stormed off and hung out in the eighth floor instead.

the next time joshua feels upset again was at lunch time. jeonghan was putting food on seungcheol's plate, intentionally many that rice was falling off his plate. the two were laughing. again, there was nothing wrong with sitting beside each other and teasing, because that's normal. there's also nothing wrong with laughing. agh! what is joshua up to?

the third time, was however, when everyone was teasing jeonghan and seungcheol together. chan, who joshua suspected of having a crush on their leader, was cool and even joined in the teasing. but why was joshua this way? he has to get used to this. it will become a thing after a week or two.

but.... why is he calling seungcheol 'coups'? why is he calling joshua by his actual name, like what joshua hoped from the very beginning? and it all happened over a day! was it only attachment to people other than joshua all it took for jeonghan to stop flirting with joshua?

not that i like it, though! joshua thought as he remembered the times jeonghan flirted. to joshua, not to seungcheol.


really?! did the 'nonchalant' and 'undisturbed' joshua just snarl? at his thoughts of jeonghan and seungcheol?! this is news!

"uh, shua-hyung? why are you snarling?" chan asked. when joshua looked at chan, he realizes that two other pairs of eyes were looking at him, other than chan. joshua immediately smiled and straightened his posture, smiling at them.

"ah, chan! i was just thinking of my rank in a battle royale game. i can't get it higher!" joshua made a dismayed face.

jokes on them. joshua is bad at acting, so that face was an illusion, but joshua wasn't planning to put on an illusion as a mask the whole time— so he wavers of the illusion quickly. "you know what? you're scary. i'm being honest." jihoon says, making a sour face.

joshua chuckled and scratched his nape. "not really, jihoon."

mingyu, however, had an amazed expression. so amazed that it looks like mingyu just found the cure for cancer. "hyung, you like jeonghan, don't you?" mingyu tilts his head to a direction, where jeonghan and seungcheol could be seen, playing some card game.

time to use his ability! "what are you saying? never in a million years." joshua made the illusion of his face put on a calm face. so far, it's working—until chan walked up to joshua and held his arm. "aigoo, hyung!" chan screeched, as the illusion faltered away. he pokes joshua's sides.

joshua laughed. "i'm bad at acting!"

"then you shouldn't have!" jihoon replied. the four boys laugh, before jihoon continued speaking. "so you like him?"

"i don't know! i'm just confused. i don't really like him flirting with me from time to time, but now that he doesn't address me by his stupid nicknames, and that he doesn't stick to me from yesterday until now annoys me! he even calls seungcheol 'coups'!"

𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now