27; 𝙟𝙞𝙣𝙝𝙖

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"oh, hello, seokmin-hyung?" chan greeted with a bright smile. it fades a little, however, when he notices that seokmin was a little off today.

one, he's wearing an expensive suit. two, there was a toddler hiding behind him. three, he looks like he put on makeup today. "seokmin-hyung, you never told me you had a kid. or kids, maybe?"

"she is my niece, chan!" seokmin corrected. chan laughs dumbly, scratching his nape. "where are the others, though?"

seungcheol joins in the conversation. he could use a little socialisation right now, especially when all the members are trying to avoid each other out of all the embarrassment they did two days ago when they were up all night swimming and drinking. well, except for vernon and seungkwan. "still hiding."

"anyway, this sweet little girl right here is jinha! say hi sweetie," seokmin looked down at the shy girl. "come on, they're good people!"

"really?" jinha's soft and high-pitched voice was heard for the first time. "i-i don't think so, s-samchon!" she hides behind seokmin again, to which seokmin sighed. this might be a bad idea after all.

"i'm going to a formal family gathering of the lees. she's my cousins' adopted child, and she's being taken care of by my brother, minseok. she can't join me and minseok at party, of course, there are lots of things that are risky for her in there." seokmin explained quickly. "can you please take care of her for me?"

"sure!" chan almost instantly agreed. he crouches down so he meets jinha's eyes. "hello, jinha! my name is chan!"

"s-samchon, his name is close to mama's name!" jinha's aura suddenly brightened, which chan smiled at. "is chan my mama?"

seungcheol snorted at that, but he got a glare from seokmin and chan. he covered it by pretending to clear his throat.

"it's chan-oppa, he's not your mama, baby." seokmin sighed and crouched down as well, ruffling the toddler's hair. "by the way, she's four, so no nasty shenanigans, okay?"

"wow!" seungcheol laughed in disbelief. "you're a naughty one too, you know that?"

"fine fine, i am, but i really need to go." seokmin turned to jinha again, who really didn't want seokmin to leave. "jinha, samchon needs to go. i'll be back before you know it, alright?"

"i-i don't want you to leave, samchon!" jinha scrambled for seokmin who was already leaving. seokmin turned around once, waving goodbye to the toddler before disappearing. his jeep's roaring engine could be heard a few moments after. he really needed to go, chan figured.

"jinha, would you like to go to my room? i have lots of figurines in there!" chan offered. jinha didn't make a decision, her shyness was an obstacle chan needed to go through. "aw, jinha! what would you like to do then?"

"i want s-samchon!" jinha's face crumbled, as if she was about to cry. chan was fast to act—he'd done this about tens of times in the orphanage, because if he makes one child cry and the staff wakes up, he won't like what would happen.

chan used his pinky to stroke the middle of jinha's forehead, going down to her nose bridge, to the tip of her nose. he repeats stroking her gently, making jinha calm down a little. to seungcheol, though, she doesn't look like she's really calmed down. there's something else;jinha looks like she'd just been enlightened.

"y-you're my mama! your name is chan, you use our secret pinky snuggles, your smile is just like my mama's." jinha smiled. chan didn't know what to do, should he claim the title or reject the idea?

before chan could react, seungcheol took her attention. jinha was poking seungcheol over and over, only for her hand to go through seungcheol. she was giggling as she played with seungcheol. "mama, look! his ability is so cool!"

"oh, you know about abilities?!" chan asked, surprised. so does that mean..? "do you have an ability, jinha?"

chan had completely fogotten about jinha calling him mama, so he let jinha continue calling him mama. "y-yes! i can make people turn into dolls and back into humans, look!" seungcheol is turned into a rag doll. chan freaks out, which made jinha panic. "n-no, i can turn him back! look!" seungcheol is turned back into a person.

"that's great! i was just surprised that you can do it so easily..." chan sighed, remembering when he was using his ability for the first few times. "i can't do my ability that easily when i was young."

"w-what's your ability, mama?" jinha asks. seungcheol snorts at the name, making chan glare at him.

"try and turn me into a doll, jinha."

"o..kay, mama." jinha attempts to turn chan into a doll—but chan didn't. he was still there in his human form, smiling and looking back at jinha. jinha, instead of being frustrated, smiles at chan. "wow, mama! you can stop people from doing their abilities! and he can be like a ghost!" jinha points to seungcheol excitedly.

"yes, that's right! you're a smart girl, jinha." chan stood up and ruffled jinha's hair. "say, what would you want to do?!"

"w-well..." jinha shyly takes off her backpack, opening it to pull out a severely damaged rag doll. seungcheol and chan's eyes widened.

"jinha, who is that?" seungcheol asked, eyeing the doll. "what happened to her?"

"she's mimi, minseok-samchon bought her for me at the toy store. but, recently, my dog chewed on her. i want to fix her..." jinha's sweet pleading eyes had 101% effect on the two seventeen members.

"aw, jinha... i don't know anyone who could fix her." chan sighed sadly taking mimi from jinha's hands, examining the doll.

"we could buy you a new one at the mall!" seungcheol exclaimed. chan smiled at seungcheol, while jinha jumped in glee.

"really, really, really?" jinha asked three times. seungcheol laughed and opened his arms for jinha to embrace him. he nods while jinha excitedly spoke. "you're the best, papa!"

chan and seungcheol make eye contact at the name that jinha decided for seungcheol. "papa?"

"yes! mama is always with papa, and you two were cuddly-cuddly when me and samchon came! papa! mama! papa! mama!" chan was dragged into the 'family' hug by jinha.

chan blushed. they weren't cuddling, chan was showing a funny meme to seungcheol! since seungcheol wasn't wearing his contacts, chan had to go closer to seungcheol for him to see the meme properly. did they look like they were cuddling?

seungcheol noticed the pink tint that spreaded across chan's face. how cute.

"okay, papa will buy you toys and candies!" seungcheol pulled away from the hug, smiling widely at the toddler. chan's red face even got more red when he realizes that seungcheol just accepted the roles like that.

aish, nobody said they're married! this is just for jinha, keep that in mind! don't get carried away!

"YAY!" jinha cheered.

and that's how a babysitting fiasco started.

𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now