Is The Wedding Back On?

Start from the beginning

We hugged it out and then she left to hang out with Gigi and Taylor. I smiled at her retreating figure and caught Soreya standing not so far away, watching me coldly. In that moment I prayed that one day she would find whatever it was that she thought she was lacking in herself. Being so hateful all the time must have been an outlet for an emotion she was holding back.

Then I realised that all the issues I had over the years was now sorted. Alex and I were starting fresh and Gigi and I were friends again. Only one problem remained, and I decided that it was a good time as any to say my piece and end it.

Turning to where Soreya was staring, with Harmony standing near her on her phone, I walked towards them. She raised her eyebrow when she realised I was heading right for her as if she was the big man and I daren't approach her.

"Hey," I said politely.
"What do you want?" she replied seemingly disinterested, as Harmony put her phone away and looked at me.
"I just wanted to say a few things," I clarified keeping my tone kind.
"You think I'll just stand here and listen to you chat shit?" she snorted, "come on, H."

Both girls started to walk away so I called out and apology from behind them. This caught their attention. "What did you say?"
"I said: I'm sorry," I repeated, getting a very confused look from her.
"Why are you apologising?" Harmony asked, voicing their thoughts.

"Everything that has happened and everything that you've done to me," I answered, "It's either because I hurt you a lot and you wanted to make me hurt just as bad, hence why I am apologising. Either that, or because you're taking out a lot of hidden shit on me, to which I'd like to say I'm sorry and I hope you find what you're looking for."

Their faces were priceless. If I wasn't being so serious, I would have burst out laughing.
"Oh," is all they can both say, before I smiled once more and walked away.

It felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders, I thought to myself as I unlocked my front door and head up to get changed. I had convinced Aaron to take me out for ice cream. It was April, and not that warm but I really craved some ice cream. And who better to take me than Aaron.


Shut up.

As I left the house he rang me.
"Hey, are you on your way?" he asked.
"Yeah, just leaving my house now," I replied, "See you at Pearls."
"No, I'll meet you at the park near my house," he interjected before I put the phone down.
"I thought we were getting ice cream," I replied.
"We will," he laughed, "see you in a bit."

When I got to the park, I texted him to find out where he was. He replied telling me he was right behind me, so I turned around in confusion and was taken back when my eyes landed on a very smiley looking Alex. Not being able to stop my smile from forming, I approached him and Aaron.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Alex.
"Aaron invited me," he grinned gorgeously. Grabbing the football from Aaron, he winked at me and went ahead to the field.

"Explain," I stated, narrowing my eyes at Aaron.
"What?" he asked playing innocent, so I gave him the 'boy-are-you-for-real' look. "I just want to hang out and play a little football with two of my mates."
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes not bothering to hide my smile.

"You know you want him," he smirked. I shook my head shyly in denial. "Sure," he sang putting an arm around my shoulder and squeezing me tightly, "you keep telling yourself that."

Aaron, Alex and I kicked the ball around the field, laughing and messing around. Both of them seemed quite surprised t how good I was, which I thought was quite bizarre because they had both seen me play before.

"Who knew you were so good at football?" Alex complimented when Aaron ran after the ball that Alex kicked to the far end of the field.
"Erm, you did," I laughed, "you're the humble teacher that taught me everything I know."
"Yeah, I just thought we were doing that whole starting fresh thing," he replied.

"Yeah, we're starting fresh, not pretending we don't know each other," I shook my head, smiling.
"Right," he drawled, "in that case, you're footing is a little sloppy and you need to actually watch where you're aiming when you kick."
"Hey!" I defended before we both began to laugh.

"You know I think I could play any sport I want to professionally," Alex pondered aloud, as we watched Aaron walking back towards us, taking his time, "I'm so naturally good at everything."

I raised my eyebrow to that, "you might want to take that arrogance down a few notches."
"What you don't think I'm good?"
"Well, I wouldn't say you're good at everything," I replied smirking, "Everything is a lot of things."
"Okay, then I'll prove it," he said puffing his chest out and held his hand up for a thumb war.
"Best two out of three," I said and grabbed his hand.

Of course he won, which just irritated me more so we played the game again and again six times. He won every time. I abandoned my hope of beating him on thumb wars and we started playing rock-paper-scissors. Just like the last time, he won every single time. Aaron was definitely walking slow on purpose.

"I swear you're cheating somehow," I huffed.
"Nah, I'm just..."
"...naturally good at everything, yeah I get it," I said folding my arms trying to hide my smile. He smiled beautifully at me, which made me break and so I smiled back.
"I've really missed spending time with you," he added.
"Me too," I replied honestly. He pulled me in for hug and I didn't object.

"Is the wedding back on?"
"What?" I squeaked, my eyes wide. Aaron looked at Alex for clarification and Alex shook his head. "What?!" I repeated.
"Nothing," they both chorused in unison.
"What is going on?" I demanded.
"Relax Perrie, it's nothing," Aaron brushed me off, lightly pulling me into a headlock. Letting it slide, I complained about wanting my ice cream, so we headed out of the park.

After a few minutes Aaron got a phone call. Stopping in his tracks he spoke to the person on the other end, told us he had to go and then practically ran off. As I complained that they both cheated me out of my ice cream, Alex shook me to silence and said he'd take me instead.

"Friends go out for ice cream right," he smirked annoyingly.

He was testing me. Purposely pushing my buttons.


As much as I didn't want to admit it, I had a really good time. Alex was such a gentleman the whole time. He insisted on taking me out to get food first and then ice cream after, and I didn't object because I was starving. It was fun, fresh and it felt very calm. I would be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about hugging or kissing him, because I was. I also knew he was going to ask me questions about it.

"So, I wanted to ask you something," he started gazing at me unsurely so I smiled in response, prompting him to continue, "do you think there's a chance we will ever get back together?"

I didn't even have to think about the answer. I already knew it was a big fat yes. Not wanting to sound so forward and give in so easily, I chose not to reply right away. Remaining silent for a while, I sighed and then spoke,
"Not right now no." I saw devastation fill up his eyes and then I continued, "but yes, I think there is a chance of that."

"So this isn't a completely lost cause?" he asked smiling slightly.
"No it isn't," I giggled. "We just need to focus on the other important things first."
"Exams?" he questioned, and I nodded. "So, after exams..." he trailed off.
"After exams what?"
"Never mind for now," he smiled and then pushed me towards the door.

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