"You don't know me. This isn't rudeness. I'm forward and to the point. Wasting time with formalities and such isn't my cup of tea."

Tulip nodded then bestowed a thank -you to the waiter as they placed her brew before her. "You must be a busy man."

"I am." He delicately opened the leather-bound iPad sitting on the table in front of him, "It's my duty to ensure Sydney is being taken care of by the standards and manner that she is accustomed to. Now, Amelia left behind loose recommendations for you to some wiggle room but the things that are firm pertain to Sydney's education, living arrangements, and well-being."

"All things that are important to me, too," Tulip added. "It's summer now so no school. She has her own room and she smiled more today than she did all last week. So, check, check, and check." She brimmed a confident smile.

Mr. Irvine did not. "Sydney had a governess."

"Lola," Tulip interjected this time. "Lovely young woman."

"Yes." He swiped his finger across the screen. "She provided year-round learning for Sydney. How will you uphold that standard?"

"Is this..." Tulip's braids shifted across her back as she tilted her head. "...and interview."

"It's a meeting as described in my email." He stoically reminded, then gestured for her to answer his question.

"Um..." Tulip evened out the fabric of her white pants as she recrossed her legs as she pondered on what to say next. This felt like a quiz she hadn't studied for. In the last couple of days, she hadn't thought much about Sydney's education. It was the middle of summer. She had more than a month to figure those details out. "Reading is a must. Books are everywhere in my house."

Comic books and old editions of National Geographics but he didn't need to know that.

"Math, science, and history need to be accounted for too." He typed something on the screen. She stretched her neck to catch sight of the words but reading upside down wasn't a Spidey skill she mastered. "I suggest you pick up some more books on your way home."

There was that rude-snobbish 'I went to Yale and live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Know your place.'  tone that had her itching to toss a 'bitch' his way but she fought the urge and put on a faux smile instead.

"A trip to Barnes & Noble will be in our future. Not you and me but me and Sydney."

"Sydney and I." He corrected.

Mother fucker.

"What?" He blinked rapidly, faint lines whiskering at the corners of his eyes.

Shit, you said that out loud. She slapped her hand over her mouth. She only meant to think the words. Curse him out in her mind. Not fling the word at his Botoxed face. Was she going to apologize? If it was something she really wanted to do then no. If the person deserved it definitely not but this was a different circumstance. He was over Sydney's trust. He was the person that made sure Sydney was properly taken care of and had the power to strip Sydney out of her care. So, she uttered the words she rarely said to someone that earned a tongue lashing.

"My bad. It just slipped out. I'm sorry."

He glared at her with a fierceness that would back a weaker woman crumble. "Profanity is prohibited. Amelia didn't allow anyone to pollute Sydney's ears and mind with such obscene language." He lowered his eyes to the device tapping his fingertips on the sleek screen. "Do keep up that habit."

"I'm not Amelia."

"What?" His head quickly perked up.

"I'm not Amelia." She clearly said. "I'm Tulip. I can't do everything she did and I don't think she wanted me to." She confidently sat back in the chair. "She left me a letter letting me know exactly how she wanted her daughter raised. Our daughter." She noticed his slight flinch from those two words. "Having school in the summer wasn't in the plan." She pushed back her chair and stood. "Now, if I need money, which I won't...I'll call you. And Sydney's fine even though you failed to ask."

He stood as well with a priggish grin. "Amelia may have left you a little letter." He dismissively said. "She was sentimental as her illness progressed and she always held out hope for lost causes. But she left me in charge and when you fail, make any misstep I'll relinquish you of your duty."

"I'm not failing." Tulip snatched her purse from the chair. "So, you can take your ass back to New York." She started to leave but turned back around. "And I'm not sorry. You're an asshole." She flicked him off then strutted the cafe with the fierceness of a runway model. 

Do you think Tulip made the right choice by not going to see Austin? How do you think her MIA is going to affect their situationship?

Was Tulip wrong for telling off Mr. Irvine? Are were her actions justified? 

Why do you think Mr. Irvine treated Tulip the way he did? Will he be a problem for the duo?

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