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The umbrella, protecting the human from getting wet
But in the act gets drenched himself.

The cotton wick, in order to light up
Himself gets burned.

The basket, full of apples, while giving to everyone
Becomes empty herself.

The banyan, in order to shed the wildflowers
Bears the sun's glare himself.

The bee stings me, while I get the honey
Which I share with everyone
And then, when I ask them to share their knowledge and affection
None, they have none.

I only ask, thus, for one companion, true one, beside God
Who shall give me, and I shall share too
Without any regret and remorse.

I see the men call the sunflower a rose
And paint it red, so that it looks alive at night
And I sit and stare, thinking how foolish is the sight.

I see men call the statue a God,
Which gleams with pride
And when it starts to corrode, I see them applying zinc
And I think of the mud that I am made up of— indestructible.

My casket is empty, I confess
My strength is broken, I confess
For the outer armour doesn't look good forever
And now it starts to rain.
The sky cries for me, I understand.

It was a good time, when I had been hiding my gifts
My thoughts and wishes
Because, when I start sharing it with the world
They steal my thoughts, in jealousy and ignorance
And I have none to call as my creation.

I am a beggar, with nothing except fear
I am a beggar, with nothing except fear.

I have lost my words, to malicious Wicked
And I shall still go on writing and sharing
Until I have drained, dried to a dead leaf
And then, I shall merge with the earth,
Never to come back again.

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