Old and Ancient

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Unknowingly had I written
Thousands of poems
About a certain man
Happy and poised
Losing his sanity
Upon the loss of something great
And becoming a beast, possessed.

Saturn, Moon, Rahu conjunct
You can see the reality like no other
Instead of dwelling in the sadness and darkness
If only had you chosen to see the light
But no, cursed being you are, fallen like a dead leaf
But curses always make wonders in this part of the world
Where lives Shiva and Sati.

Your deeds define you, and your deeds decide what you must become
You sow the seed of passion
It grows into lust, envy and wrath
Calling the world crumbles.

Your magic is ancient, neither black nor white
But atop the highest mountain
It's lonely, and feels odd
To have none to understand you.

Your God is the oldest
But to reach Him you must pass a thousand tests
As old as Time itself
Confronting fake authorities
And the claws of the she-devil.

You have become what you despised
What you were afraid of
To catch the predator
The prey became equally notorious.

Is this a play of destiny?
Or did you lose out on completing a mission?
Doubts strangle you but you always rise up
Because at the end, one name gives the highest peace to you
The name of Kālikā.

Who might she be, you wonder. . .


It's been more than 6 months that I had updated this book, so I thought why should I wait? Let's do it! I sat down and wrote this. Here we go!

It's been a long time. I was re reading the poems and just met an old self... Not yet lost. It feels precious.

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