Dream, again

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The thing you wish for
You wait for days to come
Often, or more than often
Comes when you don't look for it.

It comes, secretly, when you don't wish
To surprise
Then, can you embrace it
As dearly as you had decided
When you had wished for it to be welcomed?

Can you, understand, fathom it's depths
When you were not ready to measure?
To feel?
To feel the boundless glory it had
Brought for you.

For, it happened with me.
To see the man in place hidden
To be seen only by my eyes
And yet, maybe his too
Unknown, secretly to the world.

For, I had longed to meet Him
And I found Him in a man
That came and danced and dared to make me brave
Brave to take the step
And swing with him in the air
That I danced even if I don't
How, he freed me.

The rendezvous made me feel relaxed
However, when I returned to mortal senses
Of being awake, and not sleepy
I found myself unable to understand it
To be able to revere
The One who came to seek me.

Alas, the sins I do
When will it leave?
I wonder
But maybe, maybe
When I will meet in this physical world
In front of the crowd of wise and old
Amidst the critiques of blind faith,
Meet, meet the person intended to change me,
Give a test to taste the nectar
So sweet, so pure
Of the soul
Of me, the eternal
River of questions
Learning to know thee
In myself
And Uniting.

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