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As I came out of the sinner's place
I felt guilty of welcoming myself
But I cannot change what I did,
I maligned myself, again.
I see so many people committing deeds
Deeds which are sinful
Unknowingly, without any knowledge
And here I, do it with confidence and bravery.
And then, break into a thousand pieces
All bleeding and crying.

Must it be so hard to avoid indulgence
Even after knowing who I am
Do I really know it, when I see you in dreams
And me, as us, like two jewels in the sea
The sea of love and union, the divine nectar bathing us.
I continue dreaming about you, how you spoke to me through dreams and signs
But such a skeptical mind I have,such doubts and harsh rationality
That I lose you, who is beyond my judgement and intelligence.
I can only get you when I learn to accept myself.

With my faults, and then leave them all, to be higher than this material completeness

But when will this happen? This miracle that requires me to be so strong and pure
Does it need a realisation, like Krishna got before leaving Vrindavan?
But this soul, is it so great?
My mind denies the dreams I see
I tried saying it to people I love
But alas, they deny understanding
And so I leave them all, my futile attempts to make them understand
Who I am to you, whom you have send.

Do I even know it myself?
I know it during those blissful moments
Then again, the sensation is lost
Just remains a futile attempt to believe
Futile, since my heart turns skeptical, pulling the strings of divinity.
So should I learn again? Who I am, where I am from
Ask the questions, try to find them
In you, in me, around us,
And see for myself
The great dreams, the walls breaking, how you will come to take me, how I would reveal myself


Message: Believe in yourself. Bhagvan speaks to you through dreams. Listen to them. Swapna says to you the way to truth that one finds.

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