Let Me In

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     "Say what?! I won't  let you in my class!" Shout Yunlan. His students  on the other hand pity the little  girl.

   "Sir! Why can't  you let her in? She would only sit and listen to your lecture?" His student almost let her in. But he stop him in time. "NO! I don't  want you all to be bother by her!"  He lied.  As he was about to close the door. "Hey! Little girl! Come sit with me here!" Shout Wang because she love cute children. "No! Shout Yunlan but it's  too late.

    "My pleasure....thanks little  lady...." As She smirk. That made Wang frighten. Yunlan quickly close the door but it was barge open wide making him thrown off at the wall. The girls scream, while the men was frozen into place as the little  girl is not the only one there she brought her men. "Have a fiest my children!" She shout. All his men came running toward the students to bite  them.

   Yunlan fought them to not harm his students. But they're  were so many. He got an idea. As he let his student ran to the other door while he hold the vampires.  "Sang! No matter what happened  don't  let the door open  until I'm there  or my wife! Got it!" Shout Yunlan. "Yes Professor!" As Sang lead the students out and into another room.

    Chloe clap her hand, "My hero! Now I know why Shen Wei  like you, handsome and have a heart!" The vampires stop what they're  doing and look at her. They're  waiting for her order. "Take him alive! That's  the only way I can control his lover!" She shout.

   But Yunlan won't  stand to be captured again, he doesn't  want  to be a weakling  now he have two kids  and a wife to protect.  His claws emerge as well as fangs. "You think I'm easily be caught? Little  brat?!" As he move forward to fight  them.

    Shen Wei  on the other hand got off the bus. When students came rushing outside screaming. "No! Ah Lan!" He started to ran toward his room when he heard cracking and falling of walls. He saw some vampires  disintegrate while his Yunlan fight some more. "Curses! I told you to get him!" Shout Chloe.

    Shen Wei  rushed  to help his husband. "Xiao Wei! What are you doing here?!" When Yunlan see him. "What else but to help my husband!" He smirk. Suddenly  when the vampires surrounded  them a siren of the police came. Making Chloe call back his men.  "You ain't  heard the last of it. As she disappeared  among the dark corner with his men.

    That made Yunlan's  fangs and claws disappeared  and almost  dropped  in Shen Wei's  embrace because of exhaustion. Paramedics and police came again. "Wasn't  it my lovely pair? I'm not surprise?" Said Officer Congbo. "And whose the villain this time?" He ask.

    Yunlan explained  everything while Shen Wei  beside him. "The question is how can a vampires walk at daylight?" Ask officer Cong Bo. Shen Wei  look puzzle as well. "How can she do it like Lemure?"

    At the base of the vampire, "So I believe  you fail?" Said Abrielle.  "Curses that policemen! They came and were out number and were not strong enough during daylight!" As she look at  a certain woman whose making a potion. A witch name Fulda, "I can't  give no more potion! It will turn you into mortals!" She said.

    "But we need it to stay at the sunlight! His husband is tougher than I thought!" She complain to her. "For now rest for a while! I told you if you drink this more potion it will turned you and your men into mortals!" As she left to rest. Abrielle  went to her side,  "If I were you! I will  obey on what she said!" As he smirk because he knows Chloe is a stubborn   girl and this will he take advantage on the situation.

   And as he predicted Chloe won't  hid her words and took the potion as she disappeared  with her men. "Just look out for your back!" He smirk.

    When Shen Wei  and Yunlan came back to the house, they were surprised. The children didn't  run to greet them nor his parents, it was dead silence all over the place. Where are they?!" Shen Wei  panic and as he heard a giggle of a girl.

    Suddenly  the Chloe appeared with his men carrying the twin and tied up parents of Yunlan. But Da quing  is missing. "Hello! There! So your back! And look your family  welcome  you!" Shen Wei  was furious  as he saw his children crying and calling them. "I told you I will be back!" She laugh.

    "What do you want?! Give our children back!" Shout Yunlan. As he trying to calmed  Shen Wei  and think. Because he notice a fat cat running at the back of the vampires and trying to untie his parents. "Strange? The vampire should notice Da quing? Why his being ignored?" Shen Wei  told to himself.

    When he was cut on his thoughts when Chloe told him this is for the revenge for his brother Lemure. "Your brother Lemure tried to take my mate! I won't  allow that or anyone! To touch my mate! It's  just fit for him to die in my hands!" He shout at her.

    When suddenly  he smell something different from the vampires. "Ah Lan! Something strange happening? I smell human not vampires in them. While Chloe was talking. Suddenly  the twins snarl they've  smelled blood. Because one of the vampires while trying to catch the twins have cut himself from a knife in the kitchen. And thought  he have  already healed.

    And now the twins  half incubus are getting hungry. This is the only  time their beast woken up because of the blood. With in a minute they stop crying, as they turned  to the vampire who was injured. They jump from their captors hold and attack the one who is wounded. It scream when the two bite him.

    The other vampires tried to stop the twins but they were also attack. While Da quing  lead Yunlan's  parents away from them. Chloe was too late to realize what is happening to his men and to her when Shen Wei  and Yunlan suddenly  went upon her.  They laugh, "Your cards have been turned! Your all human now!"


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