Making You Like Me

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    The next morning  while Shen Wei  is hunting in the forest  with the other magical creatures.

   Yunlan  was left with Guo and the others. "Is it true? You and Shen Wei  will bear many children?" He ask. "Well yes he promise me that!" While getting some berries  and fruits. Ever since Guo Chang Cheng  is always accompany  Yunlan barley wild animals attack him.

    As they sense Guo Chang  Cheng is a dangerouse being. Guo kept chatting  on when will they have children and quite jealous  that Shen Wei  found a lover. "When will I find someone like that?!" He ask Yunlan.

   When suddenly  out of the blue, men with clothes like Shen Wei  came and captured  Yunlan. Guo tried to help him but was hit at the nape making him unconcious.  While the other  magical creatures  scattered in fright. "Tell Shen Wei  if he want his lover back?! He must go to the village of  Hangcun!" As he dragged  Yunlan.

   "Where are you taking me?! Who are you people?!" He was lead to the hut of the elders. "Is he the one?!" As the old lady hold Yunlan's  face. And about to force a potion upon him when Shen Wei  came.

   "Stop! What are you doing to my mate?!" As he pulled Yunlan to him. "Where just making him a full pledge incubus! We know what you done to make him your mate!" Said the old woman. "Wait?! You mean I was not born an incubus?" Yunlan ask. The old woman laugh.

    "Zumu!( grandmother) Please!" Shen Wei  begged. "No! He needs to know the truth!  Shen Wei  gave his blood for you to survive! At that car accident back then, don't you remember? He also made you his mate!" She suddenly  stop as she smell something.  "That  scent you are giving is quite erotic! Did  my grandson already deflowered you?" She ask making Yunlan red while Shen Wei  blushed.

    "What?! Accident?!" Yunlan ask to divert her question. "Have you forgotten the car accident?!" As she touched  his forehead to see what happened  that day. Yunlan can't  breath as he saw every memory he lost kept pouring into them. Until Shen Wei  gave him back to his family. He almost lost his balance on that spot. If not for Shen Wei who caught him.

    "Your safe Ah Lan!" He said. As the old lady handed him the potion, drink it and you will become an incubus completely! If not, you must leave Shen Wei  and go on with your own life!" She said. So Yunlan quickly grabbed  the potion and drank it without thinking.

   The cup fell from his hand when he drank it all. Something  heated up inside of him and feeling dizzy like his a drunken man. He can only hear Shen Wei  words, "Ah Lan! Are you alright.  Something  inside of him turning him into a beast. And caught Shen Wei  in a series of kiss. Shen Wei  pulled him to an empty room.

   There Yunlan pushed Shen Wei  into the bed. And took off his clothes. Luckily Shen Wei  have lock the door before this hot and steamy happened.  As Yunlan is tearing his clothes off while devouring  his soft, pink  lips.

    He can't  understand why his body heating up and wanted Shen Wei  right away.  "Aaaaah....Ah .....lan!!!" He moan. Hearing that sweet voice, making Yunlan position  him as he slammed  his prize unto him. Shen Wei  scream, as Yunlan rock his body unto him.

   Outsides the elders awaits on what happened.  If they succeed  Shen Wei  will have a babies, you see their kind is decreasing and they need repopulate again.

   They have finished  in one day. Yunlan and Shen almost can't  move in exhaustion.  "I can't  believe  we did it!" As Yunlan panting and tried to breath slowly. Shen Wei  suddenly  rubbed  his tummy, "I think we have succeeded!" Making Yunlan widen his eyes. "What?!!! That fast!" Shen Wei  nod and smile at him.

   In the police  station the billionaire  bail out Zhuiji, "Get me back my incubus and were even! If not you know where you'll be spending for the rest of your miserable life!" He said. Zhuiji gritted his teeth. "Because of those two I lose my red house and business!" Shout Zhuiji. "I will give you that one and the other will pay dearly!" As he smirk.

   While in the house of Shen Wei.  Yunlan is being extra carrying for Shen Wei.  "Tell me Xiao Wei! What do you want to eat? Maybe I could catch it for you?!" Shen Wei  laugh. "You know I didn't  quite eat anything, except you!"

   That made Yunlan shocked  a little,  "Oh! Yes I forgot your not human! What a silly question! But tell me what do you want?" He ask.  Shen Wei  laugh, "Did you forget already your not a human anymore as well?" Yunlan look surprise  and laugh,  "Yes! Your right?! But I didn't  feel any thing at all? I still look the same?" As he look at the mirror.

     But when he walk back a little he didn't  know his at the edge of their house and slip and fall. Shen Wei  was about to rescue him. When Yunlan wings suddenly  appeared ln his back and flapped.  He almost on the ground when his wings save him.  The creatures below scream even Guo Chang Cheng. 

   "Xiao Wei! I can fly!" But as the last moment he said that he fall flat at the ground. "Ah Lan!" Shen Wei fly downward to look at his husband if his alright.  He help him sit up, as he saw some bruises disappeared  little by little.

    "Xiao Wei! I can't  believe  being an incubus is cool I have wings but still I need to know how to use it!" As he tried to flapped  his wings. But suddenly  he felt dizzy for unknown reason and looking pale. "Ah Lan!" Shen Wei  help him stand up. "Why I'm feeling drain and weak?" He ask Shen Wei.  "Maybe you need to eat now? You never eaten anything  this morning?" Yunlan nod, "Maybe I need to eat some fruits or fishes  or something.

    As he tried  eating the berries and fruits that they gather up in the forest. He almost spit it out. "What's  wrong with me? Why I can't  eat it and all of it taste awful?" Yunlan ask Shen Wei.

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