An Allied Or A New Foe

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     "Great! I'm in a cage again!" Slumped  Yunlan  on the floor. When he heard gun fighting and screaming outside.

   "Are they're  here to rescue me!" When suddenly  his human guard was knockdown by non other than his angry wife. Yunlan swallowed  hard and sweat. "Ha...ha...I knew you would come! You piece of *bleep!* why your easily knock you down! Now my wife is gonna kill me!" As he shake the guard to wake up.

    "Zhao Yunlan! You know what will I do to you after this?!" Shen Wei  was not smiling while opening the cage. Yunlan back away a little,  "Can we talk about this later after we got out?"

    In a minute as they went outside. The policemen attacking the wolves men with silver bullets. "Where did they get that ammo?" He ask.  A friend of mine came help me in exchange for a date!" Shen Wei accidentally  slipped  that  word making Yunlan frown as they tried to run toward the prison cell of their friends.

  "DATE!!! WHOSE THAT FREAK WANT'S  TO DATE MY WIFE?!!!" Yunlan suddenly  shout. Making everyone stop what  they're  doing.  "Sorry! Please continue!"  As they resume what they're  doing.

   But upon reaching  the prison cell. Zhuiji block their way. "You think I'll let you two escape again!" As he called the two ogres and tried to stop them. While Zhuiji transformed into a wolfman and charge Shen Wei. 

   Yunlan wants to help his wife and to know whose that guy want to date his lovely wife. He was freaking annoyed with the  two ogres whose trying to catch him. And wants to finish this up to ask Shen Wei  whose wants  to date him. He dodge and evade the hands of the two ogre. While Shen Wei  fights Zhuiji face to face  with his claws and fangs.

   Yunlan suddenly  got an idea as he reach the highest  window of the building. The ogres tried to punch him with their fist making a hole. Suddenly  the sun lights beem brightly. Making the ogres scream as they turned into stone. Yunlan smirk and descended down to help Shen Wei.

   Zhuiji bite Shen Wei  on the shoulder and thrown him on the wall. Luckily  Yunlan catch him. As he snarled to Zhuiji. He place  his wife gently on the floor while he tried  striking him with his claw. "Your very brave now that your an incubus?! But your still early to fight me!" As he punched  him in the stomach. Making Yunlan fly toward the ceiling. "Yunlan!" Shen Wei  scream.

   He suddenly  bite Zhuiji's  hand off making him howl in pain. "Your insolence  pup!" As he gripped  Shen Wei's  head and tying to decapitate  him. Yunlan came back and snatched  him away  from his wife. He suddenly  strike Zhuiji with his fist making him stumble  and fall on the ground strong.
Not yet satisfied he strike him with his feet on his head almost breaking it.

   But Zhuiji smirk, "You can't  kill me with that. He suddenly  gripped  Yunlan's  foot and send him flying toward the wall. Yunlan vomit some blood but he still stand up. Shen Wei  on the other hand hitting Zhuiji's  both knees making him fall on the ground. And kick his stomach hard. Sending him rolling toward the wall as well.

   Zhuiji suddenly  see a sword hanging on the wall and thrown it toward Shen Wei.  "No!!!" Shout Yunlan as he block Shen Wei's  body hitting him at the back through his heart. Zhuiji smirk, but his smile fade when he saw officer Cong Bo with a gun and shoot the silver bullet through his head. He fall and transformed  back into  human and died on that spot.

    Yunlan on the other hand falls on Shen Wei's  arms. While Shen Wei took off the sword. Yunlan scream in pain and lost concious. Shen Wei slash his wrist and gave some blood to  Yunlan to make his heart beat again. "Don't  do this to me! Wake up Ah Lan!" He shake him while  blood dripping  from his shirt. As  Shen Wei's blood drops on Yunlan's  lips. His pale lips became rosy again.

    His cute brown eyes suddenly  open and clutches  Shen Wei's  wrist. As he sip blood on him. His open back suddenly closing,  healing as his heart beat again. "Xiao Wei....."  Looking like a lost  puppy. Shen Wei  embrace his husband tightly. While Cong Bo and his men free his magical friends.

    Shen Wei  carried his husband back to their house. Making his parents alert on what happened as they saw Yunlan and Shen Wei condition. Mrs. Shen hurriedly took his medical kit. And treated the two, but it only  shocked  her that  the wounds are easily closed . As she wipe their wounds nothing mark on it.

    In a minute while changing their clothes. Yunlan embrace Shen Wei  from behind. But Shen Wei  just shrugged  him off. "Are you still mad at  me?" Yunlan ask. Shen Wei  just lied down on their bed and sleep. Yunlan laid down beside his wife but Shen Wei  pushed  him away and turned his back.
"Okay! If that is what  you want!" Yunlan also turned his back on Shen Wei and sleep.

    The next day Yunlan tried to hugged  Shen Wei  but he was surprise  he hug an empty space. His eyes snapped  open and trying to find him. He suddenly  gone down stairs only to find his parents having an early breakfast.

   "Mom! Did you see Xiao Wei?" He ask. "Oh! He said his meeting  someone!" That made Yunlan frown remembering he so called date. He hurriedly  change his clothes and went ouside to find his wife. "Kids this day! Hey eat your breakfast first!" Shout his father.

    But Yunlan already went outside running to find his wife. He curse himself  on why he didn't  gave Shen Wei  a cellphone to know where  he is.

   Shen Wei  on the other hand meet the person he said that he will have a date with. The green eyes man smirk seeing him. "Oh! You didn't  bring your mate? He might  get jealous  if he knows your ex is your date now?" Said the guy.

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