The Fearless Wife

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    Without  any warning Shen Wei  hit the vampire with his claws  on the shoulder.

   The vampire hiss in pain as he saw his arms almost dislocate. But still Shen Wei  gave him another blow making his arms thrown to floor. It scream and fall on his knees.  Yunlan froze he never seen his wife so furious and angry.

   "You b-tch! If I get my hands on you!" It shout loud before Shen Wei  decapitate him. Slowly  it fall in the floor and disintegrate. Wang scream before she fell unconcious  on Sang. Yunlan quickly carried  Wang into his arms. "Xiao Wei! Are you okay?" He ask. Shen Wei  nod. "You must go back home! We will talk later!" As he carried his student toward the nurse station.

   While in the nurse station Yunlan talk to Sang about what happened  and needs to erase the record scene  a while ago.  "I understand  sir!"  Said Sang. "I'm sorry if you will  lie to Wang of what happened  when she wakes up. I need to protect my family." Yunlan said. Sang nod as he understand  it.

    Meanwhile  he cut his teaching and went home as he told to the Dean they're  family emergency. His parents was startle seeing him back from school early and walk inside the room to find his wife. But Shen Wei  was not there,  he ask his parents if he see him.

    His mother  said Shen Wei  went to the back garden. He quickly went there just to see Shen Wei washing his face and arms that are covered with blood of the vampire. Yunlan quickly embrace him from behind. "DON'T  EVER DO THAT AGAIN! YOU MADE  ME WORRIED!" As Yunlan lean his head to his back.

    Shen Wei  turned around and hugged  his husband. "Your my mate! I won't  let anyone harm you! And beside I look cool right?" That made Yumlan look at him in surprise, "When did Shen Wei  learned how to be cool?" He wonder.

    His thoughts  were cut off when Shen Wei  begin kissing him on the neck toward his jaw and his plump lips. " taste delicious Ah Lan!" That made Yunlan smile as both went back to their house.

    It's  been a years, that Shen Wei  bare a twins, Lan lan and Wai wai. The two twins are quite a handful and naughty.
Wai wai the youngest always make trouble while the eldest Lan lan will cover him up. The  five year old twins looks exactly alike, dark hair and deep set of eyes like their mother, Shen Wei  and there beautiful like him.

    Shen Wei  and Mrs. Zhao were cooking at the kitchen while Mr. Zhao is looking after the twins. Until  something breaks. Mrs. Zhao favorite vase. " My vase! Xin ci! I told you to look after our  grandchildren!" She shout.

   "Sorry dear! They run too fast for me!" The twins giggle but when they're  mother came.  Wai wai hide behind his gege Lan lan. "Who done this?" He ask. "Mama! Sorry I broke the vase!" Said Lan lan. "Da quing!" He called his cat. Who became fat because his not doing anything but sleep and eat.

    "Tell me who broke the vase?" Shen Wei  ask. "Meow!" Da quing  lazy went beside Wai wai. "No! Not me! Uncle Da quing!" That made Shen Wei  mad, "Wai wai stop lying! Or I won't  cook your favorite food chicken  nuggets!" Wai wai cried. "Mama! Please forgive my didi! Just give him my chicken nuggets!" Lan lan plead to his mother.

    The twins doing their doe eyes on Shen Wei to forgive them. He suddenly  lift Wai wai and lightly pat him on the butt. "I don't  want my child to be lier! Or their nose will grow long!" He tease him. Wai wai hold his nose, "Mama! I did it! It was an accident! Please don't  let my nose grow long!" He was about to cry again. "Mama! Please don't  let my didi grow his nose long!" Begged  Lan lan as he hold his mother pants thightly. Mr. Zhao and his wife tried not to laugh while sweeping the floor where the vase  break.

    "What's  going on here?!" As Yunlan came whose carrying three cotton candies and fruits. "Papa!" Shout Lan lan as he was carried by Yunlan. "Please Papa! Help my didi! Mama making didi's nose long!" That made Yunlan  chuckled.  "What have you two do again?" He ask.

   "Wai wai broke your mother favorite vase! And Lan lan covering up his didi! You two!" Said Shen Wei.  Yunlan made the twins kiss Shen Wei on both cheek. "See Mama dragon they're  sorry for what they've  done?!" And he gave them the three cotton candies. Two for his twins and one for his beautiful wife. Who arched  his brow learning his a Mama dragon in Yunlan's  eyes.

    As Shen Wei  let the twins off the hook he turned back to his husband. "I'm a Mama dragon?!" He ask in irritation.  Yunlan laugh a little.  "Come on! I was joking! Your a goddess  of beauty!" As he hugged  Shen Wei  and kiss his lips. "Hmmmph! Your lucky because this cotton candy save you from being eaten by  the Mama dragon."

     While they're  eating dinner, Shen Wei  and Yunlan pretend to eat foods so they're  twins will eat as well. But when  Shen Wei  gave them vegtables, Wai wai look at his brother whose eating happily. He suddenly  kick his foot signaling his brother to eat the other vegetables so he can have chicken nuggets.

    Lan lan look at his parents first whose busy chatting with his grandparents when he exchange his plate with his didi. Unknown to them Da quing  saw it and meow loud. Making Shen Wei  notice it. "Wai wai! Eat your vegetable! Before eating the chicken nuggets!" He exchanged  again the plate. Wai wai frown. "Mama! I hate vegtables!" He whined. 

    But one look of his mother he suddenly  eat the vegetables  whole making him chocke a little  while his gege laugh. "My poor son!" Said Yunlan while giving him water to drink and rubbing his back. While Wai wai looking for help from his father.  "Why do you want to eat his vegetables?!" Ask Shen Wei  whose becoming mad. Yunlan sweat and shake his head.


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