The Plan

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     The next day they've  gone back to their home. Yunlan's  parent's  welcome them back.

    After taking a warm bath both sleep peacefully  but in the middle of night Yunlan wake up. He remembered  what Professor Fo said. Eventhough it's  not true, Yunlan gritted  his teeth. Knowing that vampire wants his wife. He will research  everything tomorrow  about vampires and how to kill it.

    "No! One crosses a Zhao!" He mumbled  to himself. His father always teach him that. Suddenly  a soft hands wrapped  around his waist. And Shen Wei  lean on his back, "What's wrong? Why are you not sleeping?" Shen Wei  ask. "I got to rid of that vampire! He wants you! And he might harm our babies!"

    As he face him and enveloped  him in his embrace. "Don't  worry about that vampire his just full of hot air." And kiss him on the lips. Both couple comfort one another, one whose planning  to get rid of the vampire and the other to protect his mate.

    The next day Yunlan meet Guo in their school. Guo looking like a modern young man with  sun glasses. So his eyes can't  turned  anyone into a stone. They discuss  about the vampire  Lemure if he knows him.

   "You mean that guy?! I know Shen Wei  reject that guy before he knew you. His so arrogant and feeling the most superior  among us. But then he meet Shen Wei  by the river. He was astound  by his beauty.  That time Shen Wei  was taking a bath when Lemure came and tried to seduce him.

   But he only laugh at him and reject him. Because their species are enemies. And trying to be number one on the food chain." As he look at Yunlan whose deep in thoughts.  "Are you afraid he might took Shen Wei  away from you? Shen Wei  only have eyes for you!" Guo said. "Yes I know! But I see how that vampire look at my wife. I want to rip off his eyes gazing intensely  on Xiao Wei.

   But suddenly  they stop as Chu and Lin Jing came. "Hey! Pal! What's  up? And whose this young guy?" As Chu wink at Guo. Guo suddenly  went red and smile. Yunlan laugh and introduce Guo to them as a friend. And tell them what  happened  and need their help. "You what?! First the incubus, warewolves, ogre and now vampires! Yunlan are you sure Shen Wei  is the right for you?!" Lin Jing got worried.

     "What are you talking about Lin?! I need to protect my wife and babies too !" Chu calmed  him down. "Yunlan  were just worried for you! But if you really need our help in finding the weakness of that vampire  we will glady help you!" While gazing to Guo.

     Yunlan snapped  his fingers on Chu's face to bring him back to reality. "Where talking here!" That made him cough a little.  "Oh! Yes...yes."  Yunlan instruct them to find out many things about that Lemure guy. As the bell ring Yunlan get back to his room to teach. While Chu, Guo and Lin Jing  went to their respective destination.

    Shen Wei  on the other hand talk to Da quing  in what happened.  "That vampire! He never gives up! His the reason on why Zhuiji caught you back then because you reject his love! And he lead you in a trap!" Said Da quing.  "I'm just worried that Lemure might take an interest on my husband! His looking intensely  at him back then! As he smelled Yunlan is still a new incubus!"

    While Yunlan researching how  to kill a vampire, that other person came. Making him startle. "What did you want?!" Yunlan frown. "The nerve of this guy! His trying my patience up!" As both staring immersly to one another. The other hatred he wanted him to see for the other  the other is lust.

   Wang and Sang happened  to walk by and seeing the scene. Wang want to scream, "Oh! My god! A hot guy is interested on our dear Professor! This is a good scoop again!" As she taken picture of the two. "Sang! Enough! Call his wife! I have a bad feeling about that man." Said Sang.

    Shen Wei  was surprised  an unknown number called him. "What is that?!" Ask Da quing  to the small contraption  called cellphone. As Shen  Wei took the call, Wang immediately  told Shen Wei  that she's  Professor  Yunlan's  student and told him unidentifed  hot guy is courting his man.

   Without any minute, Shen Wei's wings quickly emerge. "Hey! Hey! Don't  let anybody see you in that! It's  morning remember!  Da quing  remind.

    While in the library, "What do you want? And who let you in?!" Ask Yunlan whose looking annoyed to the vampire. "I believe  this is a public library? Everyone is welcome!" And gave a bouquet  of flowers to Yunlan. Suddenly  somebody ssssh them. The librian.

    "Maybe this is not the proper place to talk?" Said Lemure. As they walk outside the library. Wang and Sang kept following  them. "Why are we doing this?" Ask Sang. "Hush! This is a big scoop in our school! And beside I'm helping his wife against that hot guy! If you don't  wanna help me? Then leave!" As she continue to follow them.

     "If only! But I can't  leave you with that dangerous  guy!" As he tailed Wang.  When Shen Wei  came by the bus he quickly called the number of Wang because he didn't  find his husband in the library. Wang told him they're  at the back of the school and the hot guy is trying to move closer to his husband.

    At thd back of the school, "Talk! I still need to go back  to my class!" As Yunlan look impatiently.  "Why not we have a date after your work? So you can know me well....." While his hand tried to caress Yunlan's  arms. Yunlan  swatted  it. "And what?! Are you trying to seduce me to get on my wife's  pants!" The vampire laugh, "Oh! My! Your  quite intelligent? Maybe it's  in your pants I want?" His eyes suddenly  glow but was cut off when Shen Wei  shout. "GET AWAY FROM MY HUSBAND! I HAVE WARNED YOU!" Shout Shen Wei.


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