Chapter 13: Don't Waste Time

Start from the beginning

"I don't expect you to get the last score, but if you do I can make an exception. But just this once. You're lucky you piqued my interest, I want to see how well you do. Know that if I don't see you fit later on, you won't get lucky then. Don't make me regret it," He fixed Izuku with a look of pure seriousness to make sure he understood.

Izuku gulped slightly before nodding. He wouldn't let his teacher down. He was going to prove himself.

Aizawa-sensei then went on to ask Izuku questions like "Where'd you learn to fight?" and "What have you been doing since last time we talked?". He had the vague impression that the hero was trying to learn more about him. He swallowed his nerves and answered the questions as best as he could, throwing in a few white lies and asking a few questions himself. Then he asked Izuku about the scars on his arms and he said, "I bump into a lot of things and fall over a lot, it's fine."

Not the best excuse he could come up with but Aizawa-sensei took it and moved on.

This continued until people started trickling out of the doors and up to the field, all while talking in groups, already forming cliques. The teacher looked somewhat disdainful when he saw them and looked down at his phone to check the time.

He understood what he meant. It must've taken them ten minutes to get out. That's way to much time to spend in locker rooms.

"I'm starting to think we're going to have a problem here. I meant what I said earlier: Time is valuable, don't waste it. With that being said, today we're going be having a Quirk Assessment test," He said, hiding his disappointment.

"But orientation? We're going to miss it!" The nice girl from the exams said. Izuku wondered if she knew that they weren't going to orientation at all.

"If you really want to make the big leagues, you can't waste your time on pointless ceremonies. Here at UA, we're not tethered to traditions. That means I get to run my class however I see fit," Aizawa said. Did he always have to look so indifferent, Izuku wondered. Then he remembered how he always looked annoyed and pissed while chasing him across rooftops and he knew he wasn't always like that.

"You've been taking standardized tests most of your lives." He held up his phone, "But you've never got to  use your Quirks in physical exams before. The country's still trying to pretend we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day the Ministry of Education will learn. Bakugo, you managed to get the most points with a Quirk on the Entrance Exams. You came in second with just a few less than Akiro. What was your farthest distance throw with a soft ball in Junior high?"

"Sixty seven meters, I think," He said.

Izuku looked over at him. Bakugo seemed more tame and mellow than how he used to be. The normally explosive blonde had looked deep in thought when Izuku walked through the door and stared at him along with Aizawa-sensei during the opening lecture.

"Right," Aizawa-sensei said. "Try doing it with your Quirk."

Bakugo walked up to the circle, taking the offered ball from the hero.

"Anything goes, just stay inside the circle. Go on, you're wasting our time."

Bakugo just stared at Aizawa-sensei before stretching his arm and reeling it back. He didn't say anything as he threw the ball with a fiery explosion.

"All of you need to know your maximum capabilities. It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero," Aizawa-sensei showed the results to the class as everyone gasped in amazement.

It was only when a girl with pink hair and skin squealed in delight did he wince in disgust, "I wanna go! That looks like fun!"

Then once another kid spoke he wanted to sink into the ground to hide his anger, "This is what I'm talking about, using our Quirks as much as we want!"

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