Fantasy Costco

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Baku POV

I sat with Half n' half, Deku, and the bakusquad. We were having a movie night but instead of movies we were watching Monster Factory. It was the Spore episode...the best one.

We all sat in a pile of eachother. Pikachu and Tape Arms sat with their own personal popcorn bowl. Shitty Hair and Deku were cuddling near Toxic who also had her own popcorn and I was with Half n' half. It was a cooler night so we all didn't mind being near eachother. As Griffin was re-making Jaam and added a back pack looking thing to him.
"Backpack for his applesauce" Toxic started.
"Backpack where he keeps his apple sauce!" Pikachu and Tape Arms joined.
"Jaam's got that apple sauce that you crave!" They all sang together.

"Everybody catches juicy jar waves." I finish. We all silently cheered and then continued to watch. Half n' half cuddled up to me and I put my arm around him. It was nice to just be with friends every once in a while.

(Later in the night)

Everyone had eventually fallen asleep as we watched TAZ animatics. Almost everyone, Half n' half and I were still awake watching Lup be released from the umbrastaff. I suddenly felt something on my neck that sent shivers down my spine. Half n' half kissed my neck softly sending more chills through my body. It felt weird, in a good way. I lifted my hand up to his hair and just ran my fingers through it. I don't know what else to do, what do you do when this happens?!.

Half n' half made his way onto my lap without braking contact. Is this what asmr feels like? The chills eventually started to feel more like water running down my back. I started to move my hands up his back slowly. It was like a scene from a Drarry fanfic or something.


Half n' half leapt off of my lap as the group woke up suddenly from the noise.
"What the hell happened?" Pikachu asked to room.
"Someone left the TV on." Toxic replied.
"Damn it, I was having a great dream." Tape Arms said.
"Oo tell us about it." Deku urged. Tape Arms went on about his dream. I looked at Half n' half. We winked and I felt myself get warmer.

Authors note: What quirks do you think the McElroys would have?

💥Wrong Name🌈     Trans Bakugou and TodoBakuWhere stories live. Discover now