First Date

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Baku Pov

I got back to my dorm and started looking for something to wear. I found a red t-shirt from deep within my dresser. I put it on and took a quick look in the mirror to make sure I looked prosentable.

I looked like I normally did, perfect. I heard a knock on my dorm room door. I grabbed a base-ball cap of my night stand and went to anwer the door.
Half n' half stood infront of the door. I'm glad I dressed casually.
"H-Hey. You look.....great, you look great."

"Thanks, same back at you." I try to respond cooly. Why the hell am I so awkward? I never have problems talking to people normally. Why now? Am I nervouse? I think I'm nervouse.
"So, what's the plan?" I ask as I walked out of my dorm. It was then I realized that I'm taller than him. Not by alot but I am taller!

"Not much, I figured we'd go get tea or just walk around town." He responded with a smile. We started walking to the front entrance.
"Sounds nice, after yesterday I think I need just a chill time out." I said walking close to the multicolored boy.
"Good, cause that's exactly what I need after my dad's training." Todoroki said.

(Time skip)

We ended up sitting at this gazebo thing in a park. It was peaceful for once. No villain attacks anywere near them. It was quiet. I sat on a step as Half n' half walked in circles behind me. Eventually he got bored and sat next to me.
"Can I ask a few questions?" He asked me.
"Fire away." I responded.
"How long have you been transitioning. I know it has to have been a for a while." Todo asked quietly.
"Well my dad said I made it noticabe around three. But I came out and started transitioning when I turned five." I answered.
"What about you?"

"My mom said she knew I was gay before I was born. She just had a feeling. Then a couple weeks before I came to UA I came out to my dad and I told you how that turned out." He repsoned.

"I try to be open around here but some people didn't get the memo."
"Well you know what happened yesterday so that's were my story ends." I said.
"This was a good choice for a date. It's peaceful and I get to talk to you." Todo said. I felt to rain drops hit the top of my head. Then it started pooring. I got up and stood under the gazebo. Half n' half got up and held out his hand.
"Kastuki, care to join me for a dance. It'll be fun I promise." Todo said calmly.

I looked at his hand, then into his hetocromatic eyes. I sighed and took his hand. He pulled me out into the rain and put his hand on my waist. I put my hand on his shoulder and we just danced in the rain. Wasn't any kind of specific anything. We just danced in the pooring rain.

I liked it alot.

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