The lost phone

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May 7

Deku Pov

I walked into class and the whole time everyone was staring at Kachan, crazy. I reach into my bag to make sure my phone was on silen-, wait were's my phone. I thought it was in my backpack! Darn you author!

He he he

Will the fourth wall ever be fixed?


Uhh, alright. I thought my phone was in my bag. I couldn't find it anywhere last night. What if mom calls, or..or... I don't really talk to anyone else. Wait, the file photo! I never deleted it from my phone! Thats why....ohhh nooo.

I face palm. I'm actually stupid, like I'm actually an idiot. I'll have to explain to Kachan later. Aizawa sensei walked in like nothing was happening. Either he's oblivious or doesn't care. Bakugou went stood up to go ask Aizawa sensei something when Mineta poked the back of my head. It sent chills down my spine.
"What?" I asked him.
"Did you hear about Bakugou. About her being a girl. " Mineta whispered. He had THAT look in his eye. If I didn't have to touch him I would have flicked him into 1B. Kachan is a boy, Mineta is just an oblivious and perverted person.

(Time skip)

I sat with Todoroki, Urakaka, and Froppy at lunch.
"Todoroki, did you hear about the Bakugou thing?" Urakaka asked him quietly. He looked annoyed by the question. He looked over at Bakugou and a small smile made it's way onto the boys face. I stared at him for a second, what the heck is he thinking? "I need to go talk to Kachan. I'll be back." I said as I started to walk over. I got about half way there before he just....ran. The fastest I've ever seen him run. Like he was running for his lfe almost. It scared me. I turned around and sat back down with the others. He likes to be alone when he's stressed.

Authors note: It's gonna get my TodoBaku like soon DW

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