The Baby Shower

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Word  Count: 3467

The Coopers.
The Stepfords of Riverdale.
High school sweethearts who got married
And had two beautiful daughters, Polly and Betty...
Until Jason Blossom happened.
And now, we would hear from the person who was closest to him those days leading up to his disappearance, Polly Cooper.
How a casual conversation turned into an epic forbidden romance.
How, for reasons still murky, their respective parents tried to tear them apart.
How their break-up was short-lived,
Because Polly soon learned she was pregnant with Jason's baby.
How they became secretly engaged with his grandmothers blessing and her heirloom ring,
And made plans to run away together,
To start a new life.
And how their dreams of escape went up in flames.

"That was the last day you saw him?" Sheriff Keller asked as I sat on the edge of the couch next to Veronica. Polly was in the middle of the couch with Betty to her right and mother was sitting in a a single chair to the right of Betty as Sheriff Keller sat across from us all.

"At Pop's, when he told me the plan, that he was gonna fake his own death, and then we would meet up. But, before that could happen, my mom and dad sent me away." Polly said as calmly as she possibly could.

"One of Jason's teammates said that before he ran away, Jason was dealing drugs." Betty said gently to Polly.

"Making a one-time delivery." Polly said defensively, "He needed... we needed money. To get away and to start over."

"So Riverdale's star football player becomes a drug mule?" Sheriff Keller asked almost as if he didn't believe it.

"He went to a bar on the other side of the tracks and made a deal with some biker gang." Polly said ending it with a little confusion in her voice.

"The Serpents?" Sheriff Keller asked and I looked up quickly and looked around at everyone seeing that none of them are really surprised, making me slightly sad thinking of Jugheads dad.

"He got an address upstate, where he was supposed to deliver the drugs in exchange for cash." Polly said as Ronnie and Betty both paid full attention to her.

"The drugs you found in Jason's car..." Sheriff Keller started

"Yeah." Betty replied cutting him off for a second.

"That went up in flames." Sheriff Keller

"Along with everything I had left of Jason, including the ring his nana gave me, which he was keeping until..." Polly trailed off as she started to break down in tears.

"Okay, Sheriff, I think that's enough for tonight." Mom said getting up and gently putting her hand on the Sheriff's shoulder, "I think Polly needs her rest."

"I'll be in touch ladies." Keller said as he stood up saying thank you to my mom as she showed him out.

"We're gonna get you through this okay?" Betty said as she rubbed Polly's back.

The next day we are all sitting in the student lounge Betty was on the big couch next to Jug, Ronnie was sitting in an arm chair with Kevin sitting on the arm rest. Cheryl was sitting in her own little chair and Archie was sitting on the arm rest of the arm chair I was sitting in. "Polly's convinced herself that no one wants her baby." Betty said again droning on about her sister and her family problems.

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