The Sisters

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Word Count 3114


It's the most basic, the most human emotion.

As kids, we're afraid of everything.

The dark...

The boogeyman under the bed...

And we pray for morning.

For those monsters to go away.

Though they never do. Not really.

Just ask Jason Blossom.

I was not excited for today not at all. Not only was I having breakfast with Betty and her mom, but I was having breakfast with Betty and her mom that Jughead invited me too cause he didn't wanna walk into the snake pit alone. Sighing I sat in my chair slowly brushing my hair trying to take as much time as possible so that maybe just maybe I could say I overslept and miss it. But alas that was not how my future would go because a knock came on my bedroom door before Jughead Jones the Third entered my room.

"Are you ready to go yet?" Jug asked looking around my room the spray paint art I did on papers hanging on the walls, the band posters, and photographs I took that I was especially proud of.

"Yea almost let me just put on some lipstick." I said sighing internally and as I grabbed one from my vanity I saw his hand reach out and grab it out of mine before putting a light pink lip gloss in my hand.

"You should wear this instead." He said a light shade of pink on his cheeks.

"Ok Jug." I said smiling and carefully put on the lip gloss before getting up and grabbing a bag to throw over my shoulder and putting my wallet into it.

"Ready?" He asked holding his arm out to me as I nodded and slipped my arm through his before heading to Betty's for breakfast.

"So, Jughead and Valentina..." Betty's mom Alice started to speak, "I suppose we have you two to thank for Betty's ongoing obsession with this Jason Blossom ghoulishness?"

"Actually, mom, I was the one who asked Jughead and he asked Valentina to help me write it for the Blue and Gold" Betty said as Jughead and I ate our pancakes awkwardly in silence.

"Relax, Betty. I'm just making conversation." Alice said

"Do you guys have a bathroom I could use?" Jughead asked after a moment of awkward silence.

"Sure I'll show you." Betty said going to get up.

"No, no. I'll show him. Follow me..." Alice said

As soon as he walked around the corner Betty and I got up and as she searched through her moms bag for her checkbook I took my camera out and started snapping pictures as she flipped through the pages.

Another fun fact about fear.

Sometimes it grows up with you

Or it curls up inside of you, tightens round your guts.

"Archie Andrews?" Kevin asked sitting at a desk up front as I sat next to my sister.

Each fall, Riverdale High hosts a Variety Show.

But this event is no mere student frolic.

"And what will you be auditioning with?" Kevin asked.

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