Making Amends

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Word count: 4079
(Really long chapter sorry)

This story is about a town once wholesome and innocent, now forecer changes by the mysterious death of Jason Blossom on the fourth of July. I think many of us, maybe even the entire town, had been hoping against hope that somehow Jason Blossom hadn't drowned on July 4th.  That we'd come to school Monday morning, and there Jason would be. Or that we'd see him and Cheryl at a booth in Pop's. But that was before the undeniable, the irrecovable fact of his bloated water logged body a corpse with a bullet hole in its forehead, and terrible secrets that could only be revealed by the cold, steel blade of a coroner's autopsy scalpel, or the telltale beating of a guilty heart.

I had woken up the next morning getting ready for school hearing my mom in the kitchen stressing herself out in finding a job to support V and I. I felt horrible for my mom but I knew there was nothing I could do about it. With that thought process and giving my mother a hug and kiss goodbye I left for school before V, knowing that she was still asleep. Walking down the hall I walked over to Jug and Archie hearing the end of Jugs comment.  "death as an excuse to get out of PE? Sorry, Coach, I'm just too depressed and freaked-out right now to do pull-ups." Making me giggle softly coming to stand right next to him as he shot me a smile nudging me with his arm slightly.

"Don't joke about Jason Blossom." Archie said, "And don't encourage him by laughing Val." I rolled my eyes lightly at his comment.

"What," Jug asked faking hurt,. "Sardonic humor is just my way of relating to the world." Then jug scoffed looking down the hall grabbing my arm lightly. "Look, its the rich kids from The Goonies. All right, I'm out." Walking off Jug still had my arm lightly as we walked down the hall a boy pushing his shoulder into Jug's

"Watch it, Wesnesday Addams." The boy said.

"How bout you watch it dumbass!" I said angrily walking with Jug. Hearing them cat call behind me.

"You didn't have to defend me Val." Jug said gently walking me to my first class.

"I know but I wanted to Jug. After what me and Ronnie went through I don't like people making fun of my friends." I said gently giving him a small smile that he returned dropping me off at my class before heading on his way. Smiling I went and sat down at my desk seeing Veronica walk in holding her cupcakes with a bright smile as she sat down next to me. Which gave me hope that Betty had forgiven her.

"Good Morning, students. THis is your principal speaking." Principle Weatherbee said over the intercom. "there have been many inquiries about the upcoming pep rally. So let me state clearly, it is happening, as scheduled. Now, on a less felicitous note, if you could give your attention to Sheriff Keller."

"Most of you already know the details, but your classmate Jason Blossom's body was found late Saturday night. So as of the weekend, Jason's death is now being treated as a homicide. It is an open and ongoing investigation. " Sheriff Keller was saying.

"And may I interject," Cheryl said her voice coming over the intercome, "neither I nor my parents will rest until Jason's death is avenged, and his cold-hearted killer is walking the green mile to sit in Old Sparky and fry. I, for one, have my suspicions, Hashtag Riverdale strong."

"If you know anything that could help us find and apprehend Jason's killer, or anything about what happened to him on July 4th, I strongly urge you to come forward immediately. You can speak with me or Principal Weatherbee. A death like this wounds us all. Lets not let Jason down." Sheriff Keller said after Cheryl got off the intercom.

Later it was time for biology and when I walked in I sat next to Jughead knowing my sister wanted to team up with Betty.  "Seats, everyone. Pair off, gloves on, scalpels up." The teacher said walking into the room.

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