Book 2

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Well this is the end of Book 1 season 1 of my Riverdale book following Valentina Lodge, I hope you have all enjoyed the book, and I hope the future readers will also enjoy this book. As for what this title says I have published the first Chapter of book two it is called a Lodge and a Serpent I hope you all will love to read the second book! If you have anything to request as of maybe me making a fanfiction of something else please let me know my messages are always open! If you are struggling with something and have no one you feel you can talk to you can always message me! I am here for everyone I know what it's like to feel worthless and somedays I still feel like that so if you need anyone please feel free to reach out to me. Thank you for reading my book and I truly hope you will enjoy the second one!

The Lodge TwinsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz