
318 4 0

Word Count 2304

Every town has one.

The spooky house that all the kids avoid.

Ours was Thornhill, the Blossom family's mansion, with its very own graveyard.

And, trapped within its walls like some gothic heroine, was Cheryl Blossom.

Still grieving for her beloved brother, Jason.

Linked in death even as they were in life.

"This is how my dad had his Jason Blossom murder board before it was trashed." I heard as I walked into the Blue and Gold office later than I normally do.

"Any leads on who did that? Or what they were looking for?" Jug asked sitting against a desk as I walked over standing next to him passing Betty in the process looking over the board.

"Nope no fingerprints." Kevin said, "But they stole a bunch of files, background checks, and all the video tapes and audiotapes of police interviews."

"Hey, Betty..." A boy said opening the door to the Blue and Gold startling all of us.

"Trev, hi." Betty said standing up and I looked at Jughead slightly confused only to notice him staring at them with a bit of jealousy in his eyes, causing a pain of hurt in my heart.

"Sorry to interrupt..'" Trev said awkwardly.

"Oh no... its okay. We're just, uh, working on...." Betty seemed to stumble over her words.

"Our murder board." I said leaning back against the desk trying not to look at Jug.

"Well I just wanted to make sure we're still on for tomorrow?" Trev asked smiling at Betty.

"Absolutely it's a date." Betty said causing me to raise my eyebrow in confusion, "I mean, I'll... I'll see you there. Bye"

"Peace out. See ya." Trev said.

"Going on a date with Trev?" Kevin asked

"Does Mama Cooper know about that?" I asked sarcasm in my voice.

"Guys, I'm not on house arrest." Betty said unconvincingly, "Okay, she's out of town at a Woman in Journalism spa retreat. Anyway, its not a date date."

"You just called it a date." Jug said "You literally said It's a date." I could hear the jealousy in his voice.

"That's just my cover. Really, its an intelligence gathering mission." Betty said "We should focus on the one thing we have access to that your dad doesn't."

"The kids at Riverdale High." I said nodding slightly.

"You know, maybe Trev knows something about Jason he didn't think was important." Betty said before we all split different ways for class.

"Betty your positively radiating Nicholas Sparks," My sister was saying as we walked through the bleachers at the sports fieldfor lunch. "Tell me everything about this Trev."

"Oh, there's nothing to tell." I said rolling my eyes as I walked behind Jug, who I haven't spoken to all day.

"Just one of Betty's sources, there's nothing romantic in the offering." Kev said as we got to Archie and all sat down. Betty next to Archie, Kevin next to V, and I next to Jughead.

"Why is everything weird here. Why can't a date just be a date?" V asked frustrated. "What about you, Archie? How's life in a PG world?" As everyone looked at her confused except me.

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