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Reader POV

"Where did you get that necklace?" Nebra asked me the next morning.

I looked down at my plate. "Your brother may have given it to me last night..."

"No way?!" The three girls stared me with shock.

"Oh my god!" Nebra's smile got wider. "Now I know why Nozel looked so happy when I ran into him last night after going to the hot tub!"

Rina nudged me. "Are you sure there's nothing going on between you?"

"No! I mean yes! He's just being weird!"

"But that necklace." Skyrin teased. "That's an expensive designer necklace. Tiffany and Company made that."

I looked up at them. "Oh god..."

"(y/n), I've said it fourteen times and I'll say it again. I ship you two so hard!"

As they teased me, my head was spinning.

Does Nozel have a weirdass crush on some weirdo like me?

"Hey, does anyone know what Osamu has planned for today?"

Nebra looked at her phone. "Uh, I think she said something about a boat trip to the water."



I chose to wear black yoga pants, a nice white top, and gray sweater and a black coat over, with dark gray boots.

My daybag had extra clothes just in case, some sunscreen (UV rays are always a threat, even in the wintertime), some snacks, and my polaroid camera with film. I made sure my water bottle was filled before heading out the door with the three others.

We met our group in the lobby.

"Alright kiddos!" Ms. Osamu raised her voice. "We'll be going on a bus to the tour company place by the docks. It's a good half-hour away so I suggest going to the bathroom now."

I sat next to Nebra on the bus while Rina and Skyrin sat behind us.

Nozel saw me wearing the necklace as he took the seat across from ours with Fuegeleon.

He nodded to me and I nodded back, a blush on my face.

I turned back to Nebra who had a smirk on her face. "Don't even say it,"

She held her hands up. "I said nothing."

We spent the trip watching some anime vines compilations and dubs.

I turned my head and saw Nozel staring intently at me.

"Give me your number," he said.

"Why would I do that?"

He shrugged. "Unless you want me to keep bothering you-"

"Here!" I paused the video Nebra and I were watching and let him add himself to my contacts.

I adjusted it to 'Silver Headass' and he frowned when I screenshotted it and sent it to him as our first message.

When we arrived at the place, we were given life jackets.

I helped some of the other people in the group.

"Need some help?" I asked Nozel as he had trouble with the top click.

"Oh shut up."

I chuckled and helped him.


"Damn it. Help me out," Nozel looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Solid, I'm going to kill you," I glared at Solid. "This is the second time this week you made your brother spill his hot chocolate."

"Maybe I do it on purpose," Solid said. "Besides, I know you like to see his abs-"

I hit him with a blast of light red ice. "Shut up."

The fireplace popped as heat came from it.

A butler handed Nozel a new shirt and I helped him button it up.

"You might be the wizard king, but you'll never be able to do the last button," I teased.

Nozel pressed his lips to my forehead. "Why would I need to? You do it for me all the time."

End of vision

I still had my hands on the last click.

Something in me told me that Nozel must've seen the same thing.

"Hm..." I walked away, feeling uneasy.

The boat trip was all about spotting the sealife migrating down to warmer waters.

Seagulls soared above the ship.

I closed my eyes and basked in the salty air of the ocean.

"You really like the cold, eh?" Fuegeleon teased as he took the seat next to me. Most of the other members of out activity group were inside, getting food.

"Yeah. Something about it makes me feel happy."

"I could say the same about fire," the vermillion-haired male said. He had his hair in his signature low and messy ponytail.

"Oi. Are you too busy?"

We turned our heads to see Shino.

"There's hot chocolate in there along with some food. I suggest you get it now before someone eats it all."

I nodded. "It was nice talking to you," I waved goodbye to Fuegeleon.

Opening the door, I saw that indeed there was some food. Hot chocolate, sandwiches, cookies, and chips.

I picked a sandwich with (toppings), grabbed a (flavor) cookie, and some hot cocoa.

"Over here!" Skyrin raised her hand in the air and I went to the table where she, Nebra, Rina, Nozel, and Daichi were all sitting together.

I took a seat between Daichi and Rina.

The food was amazing. I moaned in satisfaction as each flavor hit me differently.

"Good, right?" Daichi moved my head and wiped my mouth with his napkin. "You've got a crumb on the side."

I could feel Nozel's dark aura.

"She can do it herself," the eldest Silva sibling said.

I stuck my tongue at him. "You're just jealous it wasn't you."

He crossed his arms as the ship rocked in the waters. "Maybe I am."

Nebra winked at me as she slung an arm around her brother. "So Nozel, tell us. Do you like (y/n) Grinberryal?"

He looked at his sister. "Nebra! Why would you ask me this?! You should know the answer."

"Then let's hear it out loud."

He looked at me with a frown. "I don't think I like her. It's just fun to tease-"

He didn't get to finish. I leaned over and slapped him on the face.

"You asswipe!" I said in a low and scary voice. "I can't believe you. I thought you were finally being somewhat nice!"


I glared at him. "Word of advice, Silva. Don't fuck around with someone's feelings."

I picked up my food and went back outside and saw Shino and Fuegeleon weren't there.

I took a seat on the bench at the front of the ship and sighed.

What kind of asswipe plays with someone's emotions like that?!

[Starlight] Nozel Silva x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now