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Reminder: for story purposes, everyone will be different.

Since Acier is alive in this world, Noelle was NOT abused by her family and the Silva Siblings are nicer.

Reader POV

"He sounds like a total ass," Rina frowned as she drank her strawberry milk.

"I'll say," I angrily bit into my ongiri. "I'm just mad that my parents want me to put up with that asshat."

Siran rolled his eyes. "Well, (y/n), it sounds like you like him~"

I swatted the silver-haired beauty. "As if. I despise him."

"I dunno," Daichi smirked. "You always talk about him."

"That's because he's so damn irritating!" I huffed.

"Tsundere~" The three giggled.

I rolled my eyes. "Enough of this."

"Whatever your majesty," Daichi snickered. "Hey, are you guys going on the trip to Hokkaido?"

"The one where we sleep over for a week over break?" I asked, tilting my head.

Daichi pulled up a picture of the interest meeting poster in K-Hall on his phone. "Yeah."

"I'll ask," I said. "Shouldn't be that hard to convince my parents or even Grandfather."

Siran snorted. "Please. Your grandpa runs this school. He'll definitely say yes, especially since you are the class representative."


At the end of the day, I met Yuno outside of the building for middle schoolers.

"Yuno, I need to go talk to Grandpa. Want to go with me?"

He nodded. "Why not. Asta said that he'll be running late picking me up anyway."


We turned in the direction of the office.

"Go right in," the secretary said with a smile. She knew that Yuno and I were the grandchildren of the director.

I handed Yuno some money to get a snack at the vending machine nearby.

"(y/n)!" Grandfather smiled at me and placed his pen on his desk. "What a nice surprise. Hello, Yuno."

Yuno just grunted and went back to tapping at his phone.

"Grandfather, is it possible for me to go on the Hokkaido trip?" I asked.

"Hm...I would say yes," he began. "But you should ask your parents first."

"Already taken care of," I showed him the text thread on our family groupchat.

He handed me a form. "Alright then. Make sure Mrs. Silva signs this for you since she's taking care of you for the next six months."


I showed the form to Acier and she signed it.

"It would seem the four schools of the Cardia preference are all joining together," she said as she handed me back the form.


She nodded. "Solid was just telling me about it."

Solid was also a first year, Nebra was a second year, and Snotty-Nozel was a third year.

"Is he going?" I asked with excitement.

Acier nodded. "Yes."

"Yes!!!" I punched the air. Solid was my partner-in-crime.

I thanked Acier and ran upstairs to Solid's room. "Solid! Solid!"

He looked up from his game. "What's up?"

"I'm also going on the Hokkaido trip!"

"No shit?!" He stared at me. "Hell yeah!"

I jumped onto his bed and laid on my stomach next to him. "Maybe if we're on the same train car, I'll sit next to you."

He smiled. "Awesome!"

Then Nozel came into the room. "What's all the noise? I'm trying to do homework."

Solid and I exchanged an eyeroll.

"We are being friendly," I spat.

"Really?" He snorted. "You and my brother aren't suited to be friends. You're too annoying."

Solid wrapped his arms around me as I prepared to kill Nozel. "H-Hey, don't be so rude!"

"I'm just being honest." Nozel said. "Keep the noise down. I'd rather not have my ears harassed."

"Well, I'd rather not have my eyes harassed! Fuck off, would you?!" I narrowed my eyes.

If looks could kill, both of us would be dead.

"Don't argue," Solid stammered. "(y/n)-"

"I'll leave." Nozel aimed one final barbed glare at me before closing the door.

Solid let go of me. "Jeez, the sexual tension between you and my brother is so thick,"

I swatted the silver-haired male. "Shut up, water-boy."

He laughed and flicked my forehead. "Alright, Ice-Queen."


"Mission Hokkaido is a go!" I pumped my fist in the air as I met my friends outside the steps of Spade Academy.

"Awesome!" Rina smiled.

"So, I wonder when the interest meeting is?"

Daichi rolled his warm brown eyes. "It said in two days. Didn't you read the groupchat?"


People waved hello to me as I took a seat in first period, which I shared with Siran.

My eyes were droopy since I spent the night studying for a major test in math.


I looked up at the sky.

"It's lovely, right?" I turned around and looked at Nozel. He was wearing the Silver Eagles'' uniform.

"Not as lovely as you," he said as he picked up my hand and went down on one knee.

It was a nice summer's night and a cool breeze pulled up.

"(y/n) (l/n), I've been through so much with you. The whole war in the Spade Kingdom, sickness, health, and so much more." He took out a small black box that had a silver ring with a (color) diamond. "And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me, as your Wizard King and boyfriend, the highest honor of marrying me?"

End of dreamland

"(y/n)? (y/n)!"

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Siran's eyes.

"You kinda knocked out for a bit," he said with a smile.

"I just had the strangest dream..." I said.

The cape he wore had a logo of the charm that he had on his bracelet...

My heart was racing.

I would often get snippets of this other world where I was supposedly the princess of the Spade Kingdom and Nozel Silva was the Wizard King of the Clover Kingdom.

At first, the dreams came at random times in large intervals.

But now? I would have a dream like that every few weeks.


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