Chapter 1 - Coffee/Hot Chocolate/Stuff Stain

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I should have packed lighter; this bag is seriously killing my back. I was on my way to my new apartment. It was supposed to be in the middle of LA and I was having a hard time trying to find it.

“Ice ice babeh…Vanilla, Ice ice babeh… “ I sang quietly to myself as I walked down the street. “Great! Now I have that song stuck in my head…” I mumbled, annoyed. I shook my head at the fact that I was talking to myself, walking down a pretty crowded street. “OW!” I stubbed my toe into a bench. “Who puts a bench right there?” I muttered. “Ugh!” I threw the bag of off my back and almost fell down onto the bench. “I hate this…”

“Talking to yourself again, I see?” Someone standing next to the bench said. I was half-sprawled out on the bench with my bag laying in the middle of the sidewalk. I turned my head a bit, so I could see Demi standing there with her arms crossed over her chest and I swear I could see an amused look on her face.

“Please tell me you’re here to help me?!” I begged, sitting up on the bench again. If Demi was here, out on the street, I was almost certain there was going to be papz here too.

“Calm your knickers.” Demi chuckled. I looked oddly at her.

“Knickers..? Who are you?” I stood up from the bench, expecting an answer from her, but all she did was laugh. “Since when do you say knickers?” I picked up my bag from the ground and threw it onto my back again.

“I guess I’ve been hanging out with the wrong people.” She shrugged. I just kept staring oddly at her. “So, you need help to find your flat?” She asked, after totally ignoring my stare.

“Yes, please!” I said.

“Let’s go this way!” Demi said pointing down the sidewalk, the way I just came from.

“You’re kidding right? I’ve been walking the wrong direction?” I pouted. She started laughing loudly. “What?” I questioned. Something was up with her… Even though she was shaking her head, I knew I was going to find out eventually. Challenge accepted!


“Do I have to go?” I whined. Demi was going to her fancy smancy job and according to her, I had to go with her. “I’m tired after carrying the bag so far.” I complained again. I lost count a long time ago on how many times I had said that already.

“Yes, you have to come.” She said sternly, throwing a top at me. “Think about it like this. Number one: You will get more time with MOI!” She stopped looking through her drawers and turned to me. “Try that top on with this jacket.” She threw another item of clothing at me. I didn’t bother catching it, because it landed straight in my lap anyway. “Number two: You get to hear great music from tomorrow’s artists! Number three: There’s going to be hot celebrities there.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

“Ugh… Not this again!” I groaned. Demi had been nagging on me about getting a hot guy. No no no! I don’t need that right now.

“Fine, forget about the hot celebrities.” She laughed at me. “…even though I think you’ll like these.” She mumbled.

“What was that?”

“Nothing.” She answered a little too quickly. “And number four: You’re not going to sit in this apartment, with no furniture, and do absolutely nothing!” She finished the reasoning… I guess I had to go now since my only reason to stay home was that my back hurt.

“Fine, I’ll go.” I mumbled.

“YAY!” She cheered. “Now try that on! If you’re coming with me you can’t look like a slob.” She pointed at the clothes laying in my lap. “And you have to take a shower… You’re hair looks like a mess.”

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