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BOLD is english

-Your POV-

OH MY GOSH IT'S SUMMER VACATION I'M NO LONGER A SOPHOMORE!!! And to give you update, no Yena doesn't stays with us because her uncle bought her a house next to us but she's gonna be gone all summer, no I don't get harassed by Chaeyoung's friends, and y'all know what happened to Yeosang. So we're going to this one place called Seaside, it's in the US. A friend said I should go because once you enter and take a right, and we would be in the parking lot of a beach. I'm like at a 50/50 about this mainly because I'm fucken scared of birds, especially seabirds. Oh my gosh they're so disgusting. So since I wanted to I wanted to invite the crew but then I remembered it was a family thing only.

-Time Skip-

So we just left the airport and Jisung got us the car we're using. We spent a whole hour making sure he parked properly because he can't drive that well. So once we got in the car we held onto our seat belts like our lives depended on it.

Jisung: Ladies and gentlemen, belts please.

He started driving and it was a screaming mess. He drove over the speed limit, his turns were sharp, everytime the car would stop we would go forward, he ran a few red lights, and big scariness of them all is when were on the highways or hills. I don't know how we're not dead at this point. At this point were at a steep hill and that's when we started freaking out more because the way he driving we can die. I mean look at it!!

Jeongin: JiSuNg StOp ThIs CaR sO I cAn KiLl YoU!!!!!!

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Jeongin: JiSuNg StOp ThIs CaR sO I cAn KiLl YoU!!!!!!

Minho: Jisung you are not driving this fucken car.

Jisung: You guys will be fine, we made it the past couple times.

Minho: StOp ThE fUcKeN cAr Or ElSe YoU'lL kIlL uS aLl!!!!!!!!!

Then Jisung stopped the car they switched sides and we were driving again. We all were calm until I noticed a sign say 'Welcome to Ferndale in Humboldt County' at this moment I was pissed. Mainy at the dumbass who tried to kill us.


Jisung: I'm sorry *nervous smile*

Jeongin: WhAt Do YoU mEaN yOu'Re SoRrY!?

Chan: Well we're lost at nearly night time.

Felix: Alrighty this is dumb.

I'm pissed off, for 15 minutes either I'm asking people for help. But no, no one wants to fucken help us. Then as I'm loosing hope someone comes up to me.

Man: Do you need help?

Y/N: Why yes, uhm do you know where we can find a place to stay for the night?

Man: Yes you can stay in my extra house, I was heading there anyways.

Y/N: Oh thank you.

Changbin: Y/N-ah, did you get help?

Y/N: *nods*

The guys started cheering and I got back inside the car. We followed the car to a field and saw two houses. We ate an soon went to bed.

-5 AM-

-Author's POV-

You wake up to someone breaking in the house. You were pissed because you were woken up and wonder who would rob a house at 5 in the morning. You a random big knife under a bed and you grabbed  it. You went to the kitchen and saw the robber.

Y/N: Sir what the fuck are you doing?

Robber: I- uhm someone let me in.

Y/N: Sir it's 5 in the fucken morning and I have no time for excuses. Since you woke me up you have a: leave right now with a swift kick in the ass, b: I wake up all my cousins so we beat your ass because I can tell you're unarmed, and c: I stab you.

Robber: I don't think we need violence.

Y/N: Yes I do you're in someone's house at 5 in the morning going through someone's belongings. So leave right now or I'll do one of the 3 choices I got.

He started leaving until he turned around and asked to use the phone. You made a stabbing gesture with the knife and he left. So for the next hour you were awake doing absolutely nothing. Then finally the others had woken up, we ate, and went back on the road. Once we made it back to where we were supposed to go we enjoyed our vacation no problems, just us having fun.

-To Be Continued-

Still Living With 8 Guys (A Continuation) [SKZ FF]Where stories live. Discover now