Part 12= Enjoyment

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"Please wait. Next!" She said and I went to the claiming area as I wait for our drinks.


??? POV

Rosé borrowed Jimin's phone since her phone is lowbat and she was bored. She decided to go to instagram and she scrolled down. Jimin came in the room and layed down beside Rosé and looked what she was doing. She kept scrolling and scrollind and saw this. (Sorreh for dis photo LMFAO)

Rosé wanted to tease Jimin so she didnt scroll it so Jimin immediately scrolled it and Rosé laughed

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Rosé wanted to tease Jimin so she didnt scroll it so Jimin immediately scrolled it and Rosé laughed. Jimin turned around and Showed Rosé his back

"babyyy~~" Rosé called out and Hugged him from behind.

"No." He said and Rosé chuckled as She felt the anger and Jealousy Jimin has.

"aniya~~ I was teasing youuuu~~~" She said with an aegyo voice. And Jimin Didnt respond.

"Babyy~~~ It was a teaseeee Dont take it too seriouslyy~~" Rosé said and Jimin finally turned around with a pouty face.

"Yah! That was bad! You bad girlll!!" He said while pouting and Rosé chuckled.

"Sorry babyy~~ I wanna have some funn!!" She reasoned out with a smile but it faded away as jimin smirked

"Whaattt??" She asked and Jimin Hovered on top of her. "Seriously Jimin? Get off!!! Not today babe~" rosé complained and Jimin layed back down.

"Fine... But next time you cant stop me.." jimin said.


Suga hyung and Nayeon noona is gone so maybe they were hanging out?? I dont know ahaha.

"Coconut head!! Help me with something!!" Lisa shouted. She is in the kitchen making Brownies. I deep sighed and went to her.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Can you get my ponytail? Its on the island. And please Tie my hair with it." Lisa said as she still focuses in What she is making.

"Do it yourself." I said and was about to walk away but..

"Jungkook. Im doing something here." She said seriously.

"Ugh fine." I said as I pick up the ponytail and gather all her hair. Ita a good thing I know how..

"Wow.. Lovey dovey huh??" Jennir noona said and Grabbed water from the fridge and drank it. Lisa glared at her but she focused back on what she was doing. I continued to Tie her hair then, I finished and Jennie noona too.

"I was just tying her hair. She said so." I explained and she put the Glass she used in the sink and smirked

"Whatever you say lovebirds." Jennue noona said and left.

"Ugh." Me and Lisa complained and I leaned my back on the side of the island and observed her actions.

"What??" She asked and looked at me then Goes to the fridge to get Some ingridients.

"Nothing." I answered and she continued what she was doing.

Nayeon's POV

"Please wait. Next!" She said and I went to the claiming area as I wait for our drinks.

"YoonYeong!! I repeat YoonYeong! Your order is here!!" The Lady said and I went to her and claimed it as she look at my receipt.

"Thank you!" I said

"Thank you! please visit again!" She said and I bowed then, left. I went to our table and I gave the drink to Suga.

"Lets eat!" I said abd Suga nodded and we dig in. He get his drink and look around his Drink to make sure.

"Yoonyeon??" He asked as he sips.

"Well i made a combination of our names. Yoongi and Nayeon!" I answered and I continued eating and he just smiled and drink again.

:) im happy this day happened.. This is one of the best days that happened in my life :)

Jennie's POV

I still cant get over about what happened between me and Tae. I layed down on the bed and used my phone. Since I lay down next to the wall, I turned around so now I am facing the wall. I scrolled through instagram and saw my idollll!! EUNWOO!!!

 I scrolled through instagram and saw my idollll!! EUNWOO!!!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

But He is an idol so he wont notice me lol then suddenly.

"Who is that??" Someone asked and I saw it was Jisoo unnie.

"My soon to be boyfriend. Lol I meant my Idol, Eunwoo." I responded and she just chuckled.

"Hahahah ok!" Jisoo unnie said and was about to leave by holding the doorknob.

"Uhm Unnie? Why did you suddenly Come here??" I asked out of confusion

"I just wanna check what is everyone's doing! Bye!" She said and twisted the doorknob and the door opened and she left. Once the door closed, I squinted my eyes but after a couple of seconds I went back to using my phone.

Jisoo's POV

I closed the door and went far from her bedroom and I saw Tae there.

"What did she say??" He asked me. Yes, He asked me to look at what was Jennie doing to know if she is still stubborn and still doesnt dollow Tae.

""My soon to be boyfriend. Lol I meant my Idol, Eunwoo."" I repeated what she said and I saw Tae's face slightly changed into a serious one. Yes, earlier he was serious but now... SUPER DUPER AND MORE SERIOUS.

"She.. said that?" He asked.. oop- he mad mad..

"Yep. She did. Why will I say it if she didnt Said it???" I asked and gave him is-it-obvious look.

"Mk. Im gonna go now." Tae said and left to go to Jennie's room. I smirked.

"Ok! Use protection!" I said and went to the living roo... Oh.. Jennie.. You.. are dead.. Get ready.. You might Not walk tomorrow..

Jennie's POV

I am still Using my phone and I heard the door being opened then closed and being locked but I didnt look at it.

""My soon to be boyfriend. Lol I meant my Idol, Eunwoo."" Someone said and I know that Voice.. Tae.. i closed my phone and looked at him and he is slowly walking to me making me gulp.

"You never learn Jennie.." He said and i gulped really hard.. Oh no.. Please save me.. soon, He was near me. He lifted my head up by grabbing my chin with his hands and Push it up. He went near my ear and..

"Its time for your punishment."

FELL INLOVE WITH YOU 2× ~ JiroséNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ