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There's something soft and ticklish on my back, and it's annoying me. What a way to wake up.

Wait, I fell asleep? Dammit, I slept through class again, didn't I? Nobody stopped me from doing so, either, and Hinata must've noticed, unless he's still in front of me.

A soft sigh coming from my left reminds me that something, or someone, was trying to get me to wake up. Who is it? The only person that wants to have anything to do with me is way louder than this.

I finally force myself to open my eyes, squinting at the light that greets me. Next to me, I find a boy, rapidly typing on his phone. For some reason, half of his hair is dyed blond, and he has no expression on his face.

'You're finally awake,' he says in a soft, kind of tired sounding voice, without looking up from his phone. 'Can you wake him up and get out of here? I have class duty today and I wanna finish it...'

The 'him' he's referring to is Hinata, who's sleeping behind me. That idiot.

'Sure,' I answer, getting up from my chair. The boy with the phone walks up to the front of the class, still typing something, while I turn to Hinata.

I expected him to look calm and peaceful. However, he seems like he is stressed about something, despite him being unconcious. Time to wake him up.

'Dumbass, what're you doing?' My voice is softer and lower than normal as I still feel tired. I put a hand on his arm, shaking it

At first, there is no reaction, but after a few more seconds a hitch in his breath tells me that he is not sleeping anymore. Slowly, he opens his eyes, looking at me without saying a word.

His silence makes me uncomfortable. There has been no movement at all. Is he really awake?

It takes a minute, but finally Hinata's head rises from the table. He stretches his arms while letting out a loud yawn. A groggy 'hrnn?' follows, and he finally seems to consciously look at me.

'Get up, dumbass,' I sigh. 'I can't believe both of us fell asleep...'

'What happened? How late is it?' Hinata replies, going back to supporting his head, but with his hands this time. He almost looks like he will fall asleep again.

'It seems neither of us were able to stay awake. Class ended, and that guy asked us to go.' After making a quick gesture to the third person in the room, I grab my bag, hoping he will do the same.

But he doesn't. Instead, he just stares at me again with glazed eyes.

'Hinata?' I ask him, my face almost turning a slight shade of red as I realise that I said his name to him for the first just now.

Wait. Why do I care? It's nothing more than a stupid name. Am I some kind of schoolgirl? That's what I was supposed to be, wasn' t it?

The sound of someone softly clearing their throat makes me realize we are just staring at eachother. The half-blond boy of before stands next to us, seemingly annoyed. 'Are you going to leave...?'

'Ah, Kenma!' Hinata reacts. 'Are we bothering you?'

With his eyes still glued to his phone screen, the kid who's apparently named Kenma hums. 'Gotta clean up.'

Finally, just as my patience is about to run out, the loudest boy I know seems to wake up fully. 'Sorry, sorry! We'll be going then!'

Without waiting for him to fully get ready, I start leaving. After all, I should be more careful to avoid him. It's not like he made any notes for this afternoon, either...

'Hold up, Kageyama,' Hinata calls out right before I reach the door. 'Weren't you gonna show me your drawing tablet?'

'Uh, I guess...' I reply with a sigh. 'Does it have to be now? I'm tired.'

•Book 1 • To Defy Fate • KageHina•Where stories live. Discover now